Pokemon (related Recordings)
Comin' To The Rescue

If you're tumbling down...
And your spirits fall...
Help's on the way...
We hear your call...
On a mission, we're united as one!
Friends forever...
Here we come!

In no time...we'll be at your side!
We're a team...on a rollercoaster ride!
Each one of us...knows just what to do!
Never gonna stop...gonna stop!
Searchin' for you!

Be there soon for me!
Searching for you!
Oh, for you...
We're gonna set you free!

Coming to the rescue!
Get there in a hurry!
Baby, don't you worry!
This adventure's heatin' up!
I'll rescue you...
And if I do...
You gotta rescue me!

So if you're lost...
One thing is true...
Never gonna stop...
Looking for you!
You're not alone...
So have no doubt...
We'll put our heads together...
Gonna figure it out!

Baby, listen to me!
We're gonna...gonna...
Set you free!

Coming to the rescue!
Get there in a hurry!
Baby, don't you worry!
This adventure's heatin' up!
I'll rescue you...
And if I do...
You gotta rescue me!


*song fades*

Mirror lyrics:

*song fades*


You gotta rescue me!
And if I do...
I'll rescue you...
This adventure's heatin' up!
Baby, don't you worry!
Get there in a hurry!
Coming to the rescue!

Set you free!
We're gonna...gonna...
Baby, listen to me!

Gonna figure it out!
We'll put our heads together...
So have no doubt...
You're not alone...
Looking for you!
Never gonna stop...
One thing is true...
So if you're lost...

You gotta rescue me!
And if I do...
I'll rescue you...
This adventure's heatin' up!
Baby, don't you worry!
Get there in a hurry!
Coming to the rescue!

We're gonna set you free!
Oh, for you...
Searching for you!
Be there soon for me!

Searchin' for you!
Never gonna stop...gonna stop!
Each one of us...knows just what to do!
We're a team...on a rollercoaster ride!
In no time...we'll be at your side!

Here we come!
Friends forever...
On a mission, we're united as one!
We hear your call...
Help's on the way...
And your spirits fall...
If you're tumbling down...

Relevant Tags:
CComin' TTo TThe RRescue omin' o he escue oCmin' oT hTe eRscue fomin' fo fhe descue fComin' fTo fThe dRescue Cfomin' Tfo Tfhe Rdescue
xomin' 5o 5he 4escue xComin' 5To 5The 4Rescue Cxomin' T5o T5he R4escue vomin' ho hhe gescue vComin' hTo hThe gRescue Cvomin' Tho Thhe Rgescue
domin' yo yhe tescue dComin' yTo yThe tRescue Cdomin' Tyo Tyhe Rtescue Coomin' 6o 6he 5escue Cmin' 6To 6The 5Rescue Cmoin' T6o T6he R5escue
Ckmin' go ghe fescue Ckomin' gTo gThe fRescue Cokmin' Tgo Tghe Rfescue C9min' ro rhe eescue C9omin' rTo rThe eRescue Co9min' Tro Trhe Reescue
C0min' Too C0omin' T Te Rscue Co0min' To Teh Rsecue Clmin' Tk Tje Rsscue Clomin' Tko Tjhe Rsescue Colmin' Tok Thje Resscue
Cimin' T9 Tue R3scue Ciomin' T9o Tuhe R3escue Coimin' To9 Thue Re3scue Commin' T0 Tne Rfscue Coin' T0o Tnhe Coimn' To0 Thne Refscue
Cojin' Tl Tbe Rrscue Cojmin' Tlo Tbhe Rrescue Comjin' Tol Thbe Rerscue Cokin' Ti Tge R4scue Tio Comkin' Toi Thge Re4scue
Conin' Tye Rdscue Conmin' Comnin' Thye Redscue Comiin' Thee Rwscue Comn' Th Rwescue Comni' The Rewscue
Comjn' Ths Thse Recue Comijn' Thes Recsue Com9n' Th3 Rezcue Com9in' Th3e Rezscue Comi9n' The3 Reszcue
Comln' Thf Rewcue Comlin' Thfe Comiln' Thef Reswcue Comon' Thr Redcue Comoin' Thre Comion' Ther Resdcue
Comkn' Th4 Reecue

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