The Darkest Lie

There you lay
Innocence in heat
The tension builds up with the scent so sweet

And you close your eyes

And you give into wholly
And you inhale the scent unholy

Come and praise the darkest lie

Here I lay
In my darkest suit
The afterglow's devouring all of the truth

And I close my eyes

And I give into it wholly
And I inhale the scent unholy

Come and praise the darkest lie

And on and on we...
Come and praise the darkest lie

Mirror lyrics:

Come and praise the darkest lie
And on and on we...

Come and praise the darkest lie

And I inhale the scent unholy
And I give into it wholly

And I close my eyes

The afterglow's devouring all of the truth
In my darkest suit
Here I lay

Come and praise the darkest lie

And you inhale the scent unholy
And you give into wholly

And you close your eyes

The tension builds up with the scent so sweet
Innocence in heat
There you lay

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDarkest LLie he arkest ie hTe aDrkest iLe fhe xarkest kie fThe xDarkest kLie Tfhe Dxarkest Lkie 5he earkest oie
5The eDarkest oLie T5he Dearkest Loie hhe farkest pie hThe fDarkest pLie Thhe Dfarkest Lpie yhe rarkest Liie yThe rDarkest Le
Tyhe Drarkest Lei 6he carkest Lje 6The cDarkest Ljie T6he Dcarkest Lije ghe sarkest L9e gThe sDarkest L9ie Tghe Dsarkest Li9e
rhe Daarkest Lle rThe Drkest Llie Trhe Drakest Lile Dzrkest Loe Te Dzarkest Teh Dazrkest Lioe Tje Dqrkest Lke
Tjhe Dqarkest Thje Daqrkest Like Tue Dsrkest L8e Tuhe L8ie Thue Dasrkest Li8e Tne Dwrkest Lue Tnhe Dwarkest Luie
Thne Dawrkest Liue Tbe Dxrkest Liee Tbhe Li Thbe Daxrkest Lie Tge Darrkest Lis Dakest Lise Thge Dakrest Lies
Tye Dadkest Li3 Dadrkest Li3e Thye Dardkest Lie3 Thee Da4kest Lif Th Da4rkest Life The Dar4kest Lief Ths Dagkest Lir
Thse Dagrkest Lire Thes Dargkest Lier Th3 Datkest Li4 Th3e Datrkest Li4e The3 Dartkest Lie4 Thf Da5kest Lid Thfe Da5rkest Lide
Thef Dar5kest Lied Thr Dafkest Liw Thre Dafrkest Liwe Ther Darfkest Liew Th4 Daekest Th4e Daerkest The4 Darekest
Thd Darkkest Thde Darest Thed Darekst Thw Darlest Thwe Darlkest Thew Darklest Daroest
Darokest Darkoest

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