Poison The Well
For A Bandaged Iris

I know we've never met and you'll probably never read this.
There are certain things your voice does to me,
it makes me feel the ground and sky again.
How sad it is when you spill your guts on the paper.
It only neglects you and never relieves.
In every corner and space I search for you,
I've only found your vocal cords.
Hate that I'm never certain of what needs what most.
All day your songs spin me into a romance repeatedly to the sky.
Scream over and over again repeatedly to the sky.
In every corner and space I search for you,
I've only found your vocal cords.
Hate that I'm never certain of what needs what most.
And nothing has affected me so...
In every corner and space I search for you,
I've only found your vocal cords.
Hate that I'm never certain of what needs what most.

Mirror lyrics:

Hate that I'm never certain of what needs what most.
I've only found your vocal cords.
In every corner and space I search for you,
And nothing has affected me so...
Hate that I'm never certain of what needs what most.
I've only found your vocal cords.
In every corner and space I search for you,
Scream over and over again repeatedly to the sky.
All day your songs spin me into a romance repeatedly to the sky.
Hate that I'm never certain of what needs what most.
I've only found your vocal cords.
In every corner and space I search for you,
It only neglects you and never relieves.
How sad it is when you spill your guts on the paper.
it makes me feel the ground and sky again.
There are certain things your voice does to me,
I know we've never met and you'll probably never read this.

Relevant Tags:
FFor AA BBandaged IIris or andaged ris oFr A aBndaged rIis cor z vandaged jris cFor zA vBandaged jIris Fcor Az Bvandaged Ijris
ror q gandaged 9ris rFor qA gBandaged 9Iris Fror Aq Bgandaged I9ris gor s nandaged lris gFor sA nBandaged lIris Fgor As Bnandaged Ilris
tor w handaged oris tFor wA hBandaged oIris Ftor Aw Bhandaged Ioris vor x Baandaged kris vFor xA Bndaged kIris Fvor Ax Bnadaged Ikris
dor Bzndaged 8ris dFor Bzandaged 8Iris Fdor Bazndaged I8ris Foor Bqndaged uris Fr Bqandaged uIris Fro Baqndaged Iuris
Fkr Bsndaged Irris Fkor Bsandaged Iis Fokr Basndaged Iirs F9r Bwndaged Idis F9or Bwandaged Idris Fo9r Bawndaged Irdis
F0r Bxndaged I4is F0or Bxandaged I4ris Fo0r Baxndaged Ir4is Flr Banndaged Igis Flor Badaged Igris Folr Badnaged Irgis
Fir Bamdaged Itis Fior Bamndaged Itris Foir Banmdaged Irtis Forr Bahdaged I5is Fo Bahndaged I5ris For Banhdaged Ir5is
Fod Bajdaged Ifis Fodr Bajndaged Ifris Ford Banjdaged Irfis Fo4 Babdaged Ieis Fo4r Babndaged Ieris For4 Banbdaged Ireis
Fog Banddaged Iriis Fogr Banaged Irs Forg Banadged Irsi Fot Banxaged Irjs Fotr Banxdaged Irjis Fort Bandxaged Irijs
Fo5 Baneaged Ir9s Fo5r Banedaged Ir9is For5 Bandeaged Iri9s Fof Banfaged Irls Fofr Banfdaged Irlis Forf Bandfaged Irils
Foe Banraged Iros Foer Banrdaged Irois Fore Bandraged Irios Bancaged Irks Bancdaged Irkis Bandcaged Iriks
Bansaged Ir8s Bansdaged Ir8is Bandsaged Iri8s Bandaaged Irus Bandged Iruis Bandgaed Irius
Bandzged Iriss

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