Porter Wagoner
Thy Burdens Are Greater Than Mine

(Pee Wee King - Redd Stewart)

Travelin' down a lonely highway I knew not where the road would end
Not a penny in my pocket all alone without a friend
Met a lad while on my travel tryin' hard to play the game
Though his legs were very very crippled
And he couldn't even speak his name.

But he smiled in understanding though life to him had been so unkind
As I watched I bowed in sorrow oh Lord Thy burdens are greater than mine
I can speak my name aloud make my way among the crowd
Yes, Thy burdens are greater than mine.

In a little country village I met a lad and he was blind
As I helped him across the highway
I cried oh Lord Thy burdens are much greater than mine
I can see the light of day and I need not feel my way.

Yes Thy burdens are greater than mine
Just by chance I passed a graveyard saw a young man kneeling there
In his hands he held some roses on his lips I saw a prayer
On the thomb these words were written' her soul is God's her mem'ry mine.

As I watched I cried in sorrow oh Lord
I see Thy burdens are greater than mine...

Mirror lyrics:

I see Thy burdens are greater than mine...
As I watched I cried in sorrow oh Lord

On the thomb these words were written' her soul is God's her mem'ry mine.
In his hands he held some roses on his lips I saw a prayer
Just by chance I passed a graveyard saw a young man kneeling there
Yes Thy burdens are greater than mine

I can see the light of day and I need not feel my way.
I cried oh Lord Thy burdens are much greater than mine
As I helped him across the highway
In a little country village I met a lad and he was blind

Yes, Thy burdens are greater than mine.
I can speak my name aloud make my way among the crowd
As I watched I bowed in sorrow oh Lord Thy burdens are greater than mine
But he smiled in understanding though life to him had been so unkind

And he couldn't even speak his name.
Though his legs were very very crippled
Met a lad while on my travel tryin' hard to play the game
Not a penny in my pocket all alone without a friend
Travelin' down a lonely highway I knew not where the road would end

(Pee Wee King - Redd Stewart)

Relevant Tags:
TThy BBurdens AAre GGreater TThan MMine hy urdens re reater han ine hTy uBrdens rAe rGeater hTan iMne fhy vurdens zre hreater fhan jine fThy vBurdens zAre hGreater fThan jMine
Tfhy Bvurdens Azre Ghreater Tfhan Mjine 5hy gurdens qre yreater 5han kine 5Thy gBurdens qAre yGreater 5Than kMine T5hy Bgurdens Aqre Gyreater T5han Mkine hhy nurdens sre breater hhan nine
hThy nBurdens sAre bGreater hThan nMine Thhy Bnurdens Asre Gbreater Thhan Mnine yhy hurdens wre vreater yhan Miine yThy hBurdens wAre vGreater yThan Mne Tyhy Bhurdens Awre Gvreater Tyhan Mnie
6hy Buurdens xre freater 6han Mjne 6Thy Brdens xAre fGreater 6Than T6hy Brudens Axre Gfreater T6han Mijne ghy Bhrdens Arre treater ghan M9ne gThy Ae tGreater gThan M9ine
Tghy Buhrdens Aer Gtreater Tghan Mi9ne rhy B7rdens Ade Grreater rhan Mlne rThy B7urdens Adre Geater rThan Mline Trhy Bu7rdens Arde Gerater Trhan Milne Bkrdens A4e Gdeater Mone
Ty Bkurdens A4re Gdreater Tan Moine Tyh Bukrdens Ar4e Grdeater Tahn Mione Tjy Birdens Age G4eater Tjan Mkne Tjhy Biurdens Agre G4reater Tjhan Thjy Buirdens Arge Gr4eater Thjan Mikne
Tuy B8rdens Ate Ggeater Tuan M8ne Tuhy B8urdens Atre Ggreater Tuhan M8ine Thuy Bu8rdens Arte Grgeater Thuan Mi8ne Tny Bjrdens A5e Gteater Tnan Mune Tnhy Bjurdens A5re Tnhan Muine
Thny Bujrdens Ar5e Grteater Thnan Miune Tby Byrdens Afe G5eater Tban Minne Tbhy Byurdens Afre G5reater Tbhan Mie Thby Buyrdens Arfe Gr5eater Thban Mien Tgy Burrdens Aee Gfeater Tgan Mime
Budens Aere Mimne Thgy Budrens Aree Grfeater Thgan Minme Tyy Buddens Geeater Tyan Mihe Budrdens Ar Gereater Mihne Thyy Burddens Are Greeater Thyan Minhe
Bu4dens Ars Thaan Mije Th Bu4rdens Arse Grater Thn Thy Bur4dens Ares Graeter Thna Minje Thg Bugdens Ar3 Grsater Thzn Mibe Bugrdens Ar3e Grseater Thzan Mibne
Thyg Burgdens Are3 Gresater Thazn Minbe Thh Butdens Arf Gr3ater Thqn Minee Butrdens Gr3eater Thqan Min Thyh Burtdens Aref Gre3ater Thaqn Mine Th6 Bu5dens Arr Grfater Thsn Mins
Th6y Bu5rdens Thsan Minse Thy6 Bur5dens Arer Grefater Thasn Mines Thu Bufdens Ar4 Grrater Thwn Min3 Bufrdens Thwan Min3e Thyu Burfdens Are4 Grerater Thawn Mine3
Th7 Buedens Ard Gr4ater Thxn Minf Th7y Buerdens Thxan Minfe Thy7 Buredens Ared Gre4ater Thaxn Minef Thj Arw Grdater Thann Minr Burens Arwe Tha Minre
Thyj Buredns Arew Gredater Than Miner Tht Burxens Grwater Tham Min4 Thty Burxdens Grweater Thamn Min4e Thyt Burdxens Grewater Thanm Mine4 Bureens Greaater Thah Mind
Greter Thahn Minde Burdeens Gretaer Thanh Mined

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