Porter Wagoner
The World Needs A Washin'

(Hank Cochran - Buck Trent)

Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Maybe the rain will wash away the pain
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.

Forty days and forty nights that's what it look last time
To wash the world clean enough so the sun could shine
The way the want the wilfulness that seems to be the cause
It's time again for the rain to fall.

Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Maybe the rain will wash away the pain
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.

--- Instrumental ---

Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Maybe the rain will wash away the pain
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.

Let it rain, et it rain, let it rain...

Mirror lyrics:

Let it rain, et it rain, let it rain...

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Maybe the rain will wash away the pain
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain

--- Instrumental ---

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Maybe the rain will wash away the pain
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain

It's time again for the rain to fall.
The way the want the wilfulness that seems to be the cause
To wash the world clean enough so the sun could shine
Forty days and forty nights that's what it look last time

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain
Maybe the rain will wash away the pain
Oh, the world needs a washin' so why shouldn't it rain

(Hank Cochran - Buck Trent)

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWorld NNeeds AA WWashin' he orld eeds ashin' hTe oWrld eNeds A aWshin' fhe aorld meeds z aashin' fThe aWorld mNeeds zA aWashin'
Tfhe Waorld Nmeeds Az Waashin' 5he 3orld heeds q 3ashin' 5The 3World hNeeds qA 3Washin' T5he W3orld Nheeds Aq W3ashin' hhe dorld jeeds s dashin'
hThe dWorld jNeeds sA dWashin' Thhe Wdorld Njeeds As Wdashin' yhe eorld beeds w eashin' yThe eWorld bNeeds wA eWashin' Tyhe Weorld Nbeeds Aw Weashin'
6he sorld Neeeds x sashin' 6The sWorld Neds xA sWashin' T6he Wsorld Needs Ax Wsashin' ghe 2orld Nseds 2ashin' gThe 2World Nseeds 2Washin'
Tghe W2orld Neseds W2ashin' rhe qorld N3eds qashin' rThe qWorld N3eeds qWashin' Trhe Wqorld Ne3eds Wqashin' Woorld Nfeds
Te Wrld Nfeeds Wshin' Teh Wrold Nefeds Wsahin' Tje Wkrld Nreds Wzshin' Tjhe Wkorld Nreeds Wzashin' Thje Wokrld Nereds Wazshin'
Tue W9rld N4eds Wqshin' Tuhe W9orld N4eeds Thue Wo9rld Ne4eds Waqshin' Tne W0rld Ndeds Wsshin' Tnhe W0orld Ndeeds
Thne Wo0rld Nededs Wasshin' Tbe Wlrld Nweds Wwshin' Tbhe Wlorld Nweeds Wwashin' Thbe Wolrld Neweds Wawshin' Tge Wirld Wxshin'
Wiorld Wxashin' Thge Woirld Nedes Waxshin' Tye Worrld Nesds Wold Wahin' Thye Wolrd Neesds Wahsin'
Thee Wodld Ne3ds Wazhin' Th Wodrld The Wordld Nee3ds Waszhin' Ths Wo4ld Nefds Wawhin' Thse Wo4rld
Thes Wor4ld Neefds Waswhin' Th3 Wogld Nerds Wadhin' Th3e Wogrld Wadshin' The3 Worgld Neerds Wasdhin' Thf Wotld Ne4ds Waehin'
Thfe Wotrld Waeshin' Thef Wortld Nee4ds Wasehin' Thr Wo5ld Nedds Waxhin'

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