Porter Wagoner
Let Old Mother Nature Have Her Way

(Loys Southerland - Louis Clark)
« © '51 Peer International »

Well darling this is my desire just set your little old heart on fire
Do the things that lovers always do
So put your little ol' hand in mine I buy you diamond ring so fine
Then I'll build a bungalow for two
Well closer my dear come closer well there ain't no use to stay so far away
So darling turn on all your charms while I hold you in my arms
Let old mother nature have her way
Well my baby take a chance cause I'm aching for romance
And know that you were meant for me to love
You know your heart is beatin' fast you know I'm a gonna win at last
So cuddle up and be my turtle dove
Well closer my dear come closer well there ain't no use to stay so far away
Cause baby when I hold your hand I feel just like a grown up man
Let old mother nature have her way

Mirror lyrics:

Let old mother nature have her way
Cause baby when I hold your hand I feel just like a grown up man
Well closer my dear come closer well there ain't no use to stay so far away
So cuddle up and be my turtle dove
You know your heart is beatin' fast you know I'm a gonna win at last
And know that you were meant for me to love
Well my baby take a chance cause I'm aching for romance
Let old mother nature have her way
So darling turn on all your charms while I hold you in my arms
Well closer my dear come closer well there ain't no use to stay so far away
Then I'll build a bungalow for two
So put your little ol' hand in mine I buy you diamond ring so fine
Do the things that lovers always do
Well darling this is my desire just set your little old heart on fire

« © '51 Peer International »
(Loys Southerland - Louis Clark)

Relevant Tags:
LLet OOld MMother NNature HHave HHer WWay et ld other ature ave er ay eLt lOd oMther aNture aHve eHr aWy ket kld jother mature jave jer aay kLet kOld jMother mNature jHave jHer aWay
Lket Okld Mjother Nmature Hjave Hjer Waay oet 9ld kother hature uave uer 3ay oLet 9Old kMother hNature uHave uHer 3Way Loet O9ld Mkother Nhature Huave Huer W3ay pet 0ld nother jature nave ner day
pLet 0Old nMother jNature nHave nHer dWay Lpet O0ld Mnother Njature Hnave Hner Wday Leet lld Moother bature bave ber eay Lt lOld Mther bNature bHave bHer eWay Lte Olld Mtoher Nbature Hbave Hber Weay
Lst ild Mkther Naature gave ger say Lset iOld Nture gHave gHer sWay Lest Oild Mokther Ntaure Hgave Hger Wsay L3t M9ther Nzture yave yer 2ay L3et Od M9other Nzature yHave yHer 2Way
Le3t Odl Mo9ther Nazture Hyave Hyer W2ay Lft Okd M0ther Nqture Haave Heer qay Lfet M0other Nqature Hve Hr qWay Left Olkd Mo0ther Naqture Hvae Hre Wqay Lrt Ood Mlther Nsture Hzve Hsr
Lret Oold Mlother Nsature Hzave Hser Wy Lert Olod Molther Nasture Hazve Hesr Wya L4t Opd Mither Nwture Hqve H3r Wzy L4et Opld Miother Nwature Hqave H3er Wzay Le4t Olpd Moither Nawture Haqve He3r Wazy
Ldt Oldd Motther Nxture Hsve Hfr Wqy Ldet Ol Moher Nxature Hsave Hfer Ledt Old Mohter Naxture Hasve Hefr Waqy Lwt Olx Mofher Natture Hwve Hrr Wsy Lwet Olxd Mofther Naure Hwave Hrer
Lewt Oldx Motfher Nautre Hawve Herr Wasy Lett Ole Mo5her Nafure Hxve H4r Wwy Le Oled Mo5ther Nafture Hxave H4er Wway Let Olde Mot5her Natfure Haxve He4r Wawy Lef Olf Mohher Na5ure Havve Hdr Wxy
Olfd Mohther Na5ture Hae Hder Wxay Letf Oldf Mothher Nat5ure Haev Hedr Waxy Le5 Olr Moyher Nahure Habe Hwr Wayy Le5t Olrd Moyther Nahture Habve Hwer Wa Let5 Oldr Motyher Nathure Havbe Hewr Way
Leh Olc Mo6her Nayure Hace Wag Leht Olcd Mo6ther Nayture Hacve He Wagy Leth Oldc Mot6her Natyure Havce Her Wayg Ley Ols Mogher Na6ure Hage Hed Wah Leyt Olsd Mogther Na6ture Hagve Wahy
Lety Olds Motgher Nat6ure Havge Herd Wayh Le6 Morher Nagure Hafe He4 Wa6 Le6t Morther Nagture Hafve Wa6y Let6 Motrher Natgure Havfe Her4 Way6 Leg Narure Havee Heg Wau
Legt Moter Narture Hav Hegr Wauy Letg Motehr Natrure Have Herg Wayu Ler Motjer Natuure Havs Het Wa7 Motjher Natre Havse Hetr Wa7y Letr Mothjer Natrue Haves Hert Way7
Motuer Nathre Hav3 He5 Waj

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