Porter Wagoner
Last Chance For Happiness

Could you walk away and leave a man that's drowning
And let the swirling water take his life
And not even try to rescue him in his last chance of living
Can you take your love from me knowing I could not survive
You're my last chance for happiness
You're the only thing that stands between me and loneliness
You're the only reason now that I exist you're my last chance for happiness
[ fiddle ]
You're my last chance...
You're my last chance for happiness

Mirror lyrics:

You're my last chance for happiness
You're my last chance...
[ fiddle ]
You're the only reason now that I exist you're my last chance for happiness
You're the only thing that stands between me and loneliness
You're my last chance for happiness
Can you take your love from me knowing I could not survive
And not even try to rescue him in his last chance of living
And let the swirling water take his life
Could you walk away and leave a man that's drowning

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pLast vChance gFor nHappiness Lpast Cvhance Fgor Hnappiness Laast dhance tor bappiness Lst dChance tFor bHappiness Lsat Cdhance Ftor Hbappiness
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