Porter Wagoner
I'm Wasting Your Time And You're Wasting Mine

(Dolly Parton)

There's nothing left to tie us to each other anymore
The love we knew is gone and that's a fact we can't ignore
There's nothing left to loose ends on all the ties that bind
I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.

There's no use in wasting the good years that we have left
When we might find happiness with somebody else
There's no chance for us we can see it we're not blind
I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.

The blame belongs to both of us I guess we didn't try
Love is like a garden without care we let it die
The flower of love can't bloom if the sun don't ever shine
I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.

--- Instrumental ---

The blame belongs to both of us I guess we didn't try
Love is like a garden without care we let it die
The flower of love can't bloom if the sun don't ever shine
I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.

Though it hurts we know we must leave it all behind
I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.
You're wasting mine you're wasting mine...

Mirror lyrics:

You're wasting mine you're wasting mine...
I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.
Though it hurts we know we must leave it all behind

I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.
The flower of love can't bloom if the sun don't ever shine
Love is like a garden without care we let it die
The blame belongs to both of us I guess we didn't try

--- Instrumental ---

I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.
The flower of love can't bloom if the sun don't ever shine
Love is like a garden without care we let it die
The blame belongs to both of us I guess we didn't try

I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.
There's no chance for us we can see it we're not blind
When we might find happiness with somebody else
There's no use in wasting the good years that we have left

I'm wasting your time and you're wasting mine.
There's nothing left to loose ends on all the ties that bind
The love we knew is gone and that's a fact we can't ignore
There's nothing left to tie us to each other anymore

(Dolly Parton)

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II'm WWasting YYour TTime AAnd YYou're WWasting MMine 'm asting our ime nd ou're asting ine 'Im aWsting oYur iTme nAd oYu're aWsting iMne
j'm aasting gour fime znd gou're aasting jine jI'm aWasting gYour fTime zAnd gYou're aWasting jMine Ij'm Waasting Ygour Tfime Aznd Ygou're Waasting Mjine
9'm 3asting hour 5ime qnd hou're 3asting kine 9I'm 3Wasting hYour 5Time qAnd hYou're 3Wasting kMine I9'm W3asting Yhour T5ime Aqnd Yhou're W3asting Mkine
l'm dasting 6our hime snd 6ou're dasting nine lI'm dWasting 6Your hTime sAnd 6You're dWasting nMine Il'm Wdasting Y6our Thime Asnd Y6ou're Wdasting Mnine
o'm easting uour yime wnd uou're easting Miine oI'm eWasting uYour yTime wAnd uYou're eWasting Mne Io'm Weasting Yuour Tyime Awnd Yuou're Weasting Mnie
k'm sasting 7our 6ime xnd 7ou're sasting Mjne kI'm sWasting 7Your 6Time xAnd 7You're sWasting Ik'm Wsasting Y7our T6ime Axnd Y7ou're Wsasting Mijne
8'm 2asting jour gime Annd jou're 2asting M9ne 8I'm 2Wasting jYour gTime Ad jYou're 2Wasting M9ine I8'm W2asting Yjour Tgime Adn Yjou're W2asting Mi9ne
u'm qasting tour rime Amd tou're qasting Mlne uI'm qWasting tYour rTime Amnd tYou're qWasting Mline Iu'm Wqasting Ytour Trime Anmd Ytou're Wqasting Milne
I''m Yoour Tiime Ahd Yoou're Mone Im Wsting Yur Tme Ahnd Yu're Wsting Moine Im' Wsating Yuor Tmie Anhd Yuo're Wsating Mione
I'mm Wzsting Ykur Tjme Ajd Yku're Wzsting Mkne I' Wzasting Ykour Tjime Ajnd Ykou're Wzasting I'm Wazsting Yokur Tijme Anjd Yoku're Wazsting Mikne
I'j Wqsting Y9ur T9me Abd Y9u're Wqsting M8ne I'jm Y9our T9ime Abnd Y9ou're M8ine I'mj Waqsting Yo9ur Ti9me Anbd Yo9u're Waqsting Mi8ne
I'k Wssting Y0ur Tlme Andd Y0u're Wssting Mune I'km Y0our Tlime An Y0ou're Muine I'mk Wassting Yo0ur Tilme And Yo0u're Wassting Miune
I'n Wwsting Ylur Tome Anx Ylu're Wwsting Minne I'nm Wwasting Ylour Toime Anxd Ylou're Wwasting Mie I'mn Wawsting Yolur Tiome Andx Yolu're Wawsting Mien
Wxsting Yiur Tkme Ane Yiu're Wxsting Mime Wxasting Yiour Tkime Aned Yiou're Wxasting Mimne Waxsting Yoiur Tikme Ande Yoiu're Waxsting Minme
Youur T8me Anf Youu're Mihe Wating Yor T8ime Anfd Yo're Wating Mihne Watsing Yoru Ti8me Andf Yo'ure Watsing Minhe
Wazting Yohr Tume Anr Yoh're Wazting Mije Yohur Tuime Anrd Yohu're Waszting Youhr Tiume Andr Youh're Waszting Minje
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Wadting Yokr Tije Ans Yok're Wadting Minee Wadsting Ansd Wadsting Min Wasdting Youkr Timje Ands Youk're Wasdting Mine
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Waxting Yo8r Tine Yo8're Waxting Min3 Yo8ur Tinme Yo8u're Min3e Wasxting You8r Timne You8're Wasxting Mine3
Waating Yojr Timee Yoj're Waating Minf Yojur Tim Yoju're Minfe Wasating Youjr Time Youj're Wasating Minef
Wastting Yoyr Tims Yoy're Wastting Minr Wasing Yoyur Timse Yoyu're Wasing Minre Wasitng Youyr Times Youy're Wasitng Miner
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