Porter Wagoner
I'm Using My Bible For A Roadmap

(Don Reno - Charles Schroeder)

(There'll be no detours in heaven
No rough roads along the way
I'm using my Bible for a roadmap
My last stop is heaven some sweet day.)

I'm using my Bible for a roadmap
The Ten Commandments they tell me what to do
The twelve disciples are my road signs
And Jesus will take me safely through.

(There'll be no detours in heaven
No rough roads along the way
I'm using my Bible for a roadmap
My last stop is heaven some sweet day.)

--- Instrumental ---

I'm using my Bible for a roadmap
The children of Israel used it too
They crossed the Red Sea of destruction
For God was there to see them through.

(There'll be no detours in heaven
No rough roads along the way
I'm using my Bible for a roadmap
My last stop is heaven some sweet day...)

Mirror lyrics:

My last stop is heaven some sweet day...)
I'm using my Bible for a roadmap
No rough roads along the way
(There'll be no detours in heaven

For God was there to see them through.
They crossed the Red Sea of destruction
The children of Israel used it too
I'm using my Bible for a roadmap

--- Instrumental ---

My last stop is heaven some sweet day.)
I'm using my Bible for a roadmap
No rough roads along the way
(There'll be no detours in heaven

And Jesus will take me safely through.
The twelve disciples are my road signs
The Ten Commandments they tell me what to do
I'm using my Bible for a roadmap

My last stop is heaven some sweet day.)
I'm using my Bible for a roadmap
No rough roads along the way
(There'll be no detours in heaven

(Don Reno - Charles Schroeder)

Relevant Tags:
II'm UUsing MMy BBible FFor AA RRoadmap 'm sing y ible or oadmap 'Im sUing yM iBble oFr A oRadmap j'm hsing jy vible cor z doadmap jI'm hUsing jMy vBible cFor zA dRoadmap
Ij'm Uhsing Mjy Bvible Fcor Az Rdoadmap 9'm 7sing ky gible ror q 4oadmap 9I'm 7Using kMy gBible rFor qA 4Roadmap I9'm U7sing Mky Bgible Fror Aq R4oadmap l'm ksing ny nible gor s goadmap
lI'm kUsing nMy nBible gFor sA gRoadmap Il'm Uksing Mny Bnible Fgor As Rgoadmap o'm ising Myy hible tor w toadmap oI'm iUsing M hBible tFor wA tRoadmap Io'm Uising My Bhible Ftor Aw Rtoadmap
k'm 8sing Mg Biible vor x 5oadmap kI'm 8Using Mgy Bble vFor xA 5Roadmap Ik'm U8sing Myg Bbile Fvor Ax R5oadmap 8'm jsing Mh Bjble dor foadmap 8I'm jUsing Mhy Bjible dFor fRoadmap
I8'm Ujsing Myh Bijble Fdor Rfoadmap u'm ysing M6 B9ble Foor eoadmap uI'm yUsing M6y B9ible Fr eRoadmap Iu'm Uysing My6 Bi9ble Fro Reoadmap I''m Ussing Mu Blble Fkr Rooadmap
Im Uing Muy Blible Fkor Radmap Im' Uisng Myu Bilble Fokr Raodmap I'mm Uzing M7 Boble F9r Rkadmap I' Uzsing M7y Boible F9or Rkoadmap I'm Uszing My7 Bioble Fo9r Rokadmap
I'j Uwing Mj Bkble F0r R9admap I'jm Uwsing Bkible F0or R9oadmap I'mj Uswing Myj Bikble Fo0r Ro9admap I'k Uding Mt B8ble Flr R0admap I'km Udsing Mty B8ible Flor R0oadmap
I'mk Usding Myt Bi8ble Folr Ro0admap I'n Ueing Buble Fir Rladmap I'nm Uesing Buible Fior Rloadmap I'mn Useing Biuble Foir Roladmap Uxing Bibble Forr Riadmap
Uxsing Bile Fo Rioadmap Usxing Bilbe For Roiadmap Uaing Bivle Fod Roaadmap Uasing Bivble Fodr Rodmap Usaing Bibvle Ford Rodamap
Usiing Bigle Fo4 Rozdmap Usng Bigble Fo4r Rozadmap Usnig Bibgle For4 Roazdmap Usjng Binle Fog Roqdmap Usjing Binble Fogr Roqadmap
Usijng Bibnle Forg Roaqdmap Us9ng Bihle Fot Rosdmap Us9ing Bihble Fotr Rosadmap Usi9ng Bibhle Fort Roasdmap Uslng Biblle Fo5 Rowdmap
Usling Bibe Fo5r Rowadmap Usilng Bibel For5 Roawdmap Usong Bibke Fof Roxdmap Usoing Bibkle Fofr Roxadmap Usiong Biblke Forf Roaxdmap
Uskng Biboe Foe Roaddmap

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