Porter Wagoner
I Can't Live With You (i Can't Live Without You)

(Dale Parker)

I can't live with you and I can't live without you
What in the world am I to do
When we're together it's a fight to the finish
When we're apart I'm sad and blue.

I wish I could make up my mind what there is left of it
If I hate to be with you my darling if I'd love it
'Cause I can't live with you and I can't live without you
What in the world am I to do.

--- Instrumental ---

I can't live with you and I can't live without you
It may seem silly but it's true
Sometimes I trust you then again I doubt you
What is the reason wish I knew.

I wish I could make up my mind what there is left of it
If I hate to be with you my darling if I'd love it
'Cause I can't live with you and I can't live without you
What in the world am I to do.

I wish I could make up my mind what there is left of it
If I hate to be with you my darling if I'd love it
'Cause I can't live with you and I can't live without you
What in the world am I to do...

Mirror lyrics:

What in the world am I to do...
'Cause I can't live with you and I can't live without you
If I hate to be with you my darling if I'd love it
I wish I could make up my mind what there is left of it

What in the world am I to do.
'Cause I can't live with you and I can't live without you
If I hate to be with you my darling if I'd love it
I wish I could make up my mind what there is left of it

What is the reason wish I knew.
Sometimes I trust you then again I doubt you
It may seem silly but it's true
I can't live with you and I can't live without you

--- Instrumental ---

What in the world am I to do.
'Cause I can't live with you and I can't live without you
If I hate to be with you my darling if I'd love it
I wish I could make up my mind what there is left of it

When we're apart I'm sad and blue.
When we're together it's a fight to the finish
What in the world am I to do
I can't live with you and I can't live without you

(Dale Parker)

Relevant Tags:
II CCan't LLive WWith YYou ((i CCan't LLive WWithout YYou) an't ive ith ou i an't ive ithout ou) I aCn't iLve iWth oYu i( aCn't iLve iWthout oYu)
j fan't kive aith gou (ii fan't kive aithout gou) jI fCan't kLive aWith gYou ( fCan't kLive aWithout gYou) Ij Cfan't Lkive Waith Ygou (i Cfan't Lkive Waithout Ygou)
9 xan't oive 3ith hou (j xan't oive 3ithout hou) 9I xCan't oLive 3With hYou (ji xCan't oLive 3Without hYou) I9 Cxan't Loive W3ith Yhou (ij Cxan't Loive W3ithout Yhou)
l van't pive dith 6ou (9 van't pive dithout 6ou) lI vCan't pLive dWith 6You (9i vCan't pLive dWithout 6You) Il Cvan't Lpive Wdith Y6ou (i9 Cvan't Lpive Wdithout Y6ou)
o dan't Liive eith uou (l dan't Liive eithout uou) oI dCan't Lve eWith uYou (li dCan't Lve eWithout uYou) Io Cdan't Lvie Weith Yuou (il Cdan't Lvie Weithout Yuou)
k Caan't Ljve sith 7ou (o Caan't Ljve sithout 7ou) kI Cn't Ljive sWith 7You (oi Cn't Ljive sWithout 7You) Ik Cna't Lijve Wsith Y7ou (io Cna't Lijve Wsithout Y7ou)
8 Czn't L9ve 2ith jou (k Czn't L9ve 2ithout jou) 8I Czan't L9ive 2With jYou (ki Czan't L9ive 2Without jYou) I8 Cazn't Li9ve W2ith Yjou (ik Cazn't Li9ve W2ithout Yjou)
u Cqn't Llve qith tou (8 Cqn't Llve qithout tou) uI Cqan't Llive qWith tYou (8i Cqan't Llive qWithout tYou) Iu Caqn't Lilve Wqith Ytou (i8 Caqn't Lilve Wqithout Ytou)
Csn't Love Wiith Yoou (u Csn't Love Wiithout Yoou) Csan't Wth Yu (ui Csan't Wthout Yu) Casn't Liove Wtih Yuo (iu Casn't Liove Wtihout Yuo)
Cwn't Lkve Wjth Yku Cwn't Lkve Wjthout Yku) Cwan't Wjith Ykou Cwan't Wjithout Ykou) Cawn't Likve Wijth Yoku Cawn't Likve Wijthout Yoku)
Cxn't L8ve W9th Y9u Cxn't L8ve W9thout Y9u) L8ive W9ith Y9ou L8ive W9ithout Y9ou) Caxn't Li8ve Wi9th Yo9u Caxn't Li8ve Wi9thout Yo9u)
Cann't Luve Wlth Y0u Cann't Luve Wlthout Y0u) Ca't Luive Wlith Y0ou Ca't Luive Wlithout Y0ou) Ca'nt Liuve Wilth Yo0u Ca'nt Liuve Wilthout Yo0u)
Cam't Livve Woth Ylu Cam't Livve Wothout Ylu) Camn't Lie Woith Ylou Camn't Lie Woithout Ylou) Canm't Liev Wioth Yolu Canm't Liev Wiothout Yolu)
Cah't Libe Wkth Yiu Cah't Libe Wkthout Yiu) Cahn't Libve Wkith Yiou Cahn't Libve Wkithout Yiou) Canh't Livbe Wikth Yoiu Canh't Livbe Wikthout Yoiu)
Caj't Lice W8th Youu Caj't Lice W8thout Youu) Cajn't Licve W8ith Yo Cajn't Licve W8ithout Yo) Canj't Livce Wi8th You Canj't Livce Wi8thout Yo)u
Cab't Lige Wuth Yoh Cab't Lige Wuthout Yoh) Cabn't Ligve Wuith Yohu Cabn't Ligve Wuithout Yohu) Canb't Livge Wiuth Youh Canb't Livge Wiuthout Youh)
Can''t Life Witth Yo7 Can''t Life Witthout Yo7) Cant Lifve Wih Yo7u Cant Lifve Wihout Yo7u) Cant' Livfe Wiht You7 Cant' Livfe Wihtout You7)
Can'tt Livee Wifh Yok Can'tt Livee Wifhout Yok) Can' Liv Wifth Can' Liv Wifthout Can't Live Witfh Youk Can't Live Witfhout Youk)
Can'f Livs Wi5h Yoi Can'f Livs Wi5hout Yoi) Can'ft Livse Wi5th Can'ft Livse Wi5thout Can'tf Lives Wit5h Youi Can'tf Lives Wit5hout Youi)
Can'5 Liv3 Wihh Yo8 Can'5 Liv3 Wihhout Yo8) Can'5t Liv3e Wihth Yo8u Can'5t Liv3e Wihthout Yo8u) Can't5 Live3 Withh You8 Can't5 Live3 Withhout You8)
Can'h Livf Wiyh Yoj Can'h Livf Wiyhout Yoj) Can'ht Wiyth Yoju Can'ht Wiythout Yoju) Can'th Livef Wityh Youj Can'th Livef Wityhout Youj)
Can'y Livr Wi6h Yoy Can'y Livr Wi6hout Yoy) Can'yt Livre Wi6th Yoyu Can'yt Livre Wi6thout Yoyu) Can'ty Liver Wit6h Youy Can'ty Liver Wit6hout Youy)
Can'6 Liv4 Wigh Can'6 Liv4 Wighout You)) Can'6t Liv4e Wigth Can'6t Liv4e Wigthout You Can't6 Live4 Witgh Can't6 Live4 Witghout You)
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