Porter Wagoner
Dim Lights Thick Smoke

(Joe Maphis - Max Fidler - Rose Lee Maphis)

Dim lights, thick smoke and loud loud music
Is the only kind of life you'll ever understand
Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music
You'll never make a wife to a home lovin' man.

A home and little children mean nothing to you
A house filled with love and a husband that's true
You'd rather have a drink with the first guy you'll meet
And the only home you know is the club down the street.

Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music
Is the only kind of life you'll ever understand
Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music
You'll never make a wife to a home lovin' man.

--- Instrumental ---

Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music
Is the only kind of life you'll ever understand
Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music
You'll never make a wife to a home lovin' man...

Mirror lyrics:

You'll never make a wife to a home lovin' man...
Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music
Is the only kind of life you'll ever understand
Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music

--- Instrumental ---

You'll never make a wife to a home lovin' man.
Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music
Is the only kind of life you'll ever understand
Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music

And the only home you know is the club down the street.
You'd rather have a drink with the first guy you'll meet
A house filled with love and a husband that's true
A home and little children mean nothing to you

You'll never make a wife to a home lovin' man.
Dim lights thick smoke and loud loud music
Is the only kind of life you'll ever understand
Dim lights, thick smoke and loud loud music

(Joe Maphis - Max Fidler - Rose Lee Maphis)

Relevant Tags:
DDim LLights TThick SSmoke im ights hick moke iDm iLghts hTick mSoke xim kights fhick zmoke xDim kLights fThick zSmoke Dxim Lkights Tfhick Szmoke
eim oights 5hick wmoke eDim oLights 5Thick wSmoke Deim Loights T5hick Swmoke fim pights hhick dmoke fDim pLights hThick dSmoke Dfim Lpights Thhick Sdmoke
rim Liights yhick emoke rDim Lghts yThick eSmoke Drim Lgihts Tyhick Semoke cim Ljghts 6hick xmoke cDim Ljights 6Thick xSmoke Dcim Lijghts T6hick Sxmoke
sim L9ghts ghick amoke sDim L9ights gThick aSmoke Dsim Li9ghts Tghick Samoke Diim Llghts rhick Smmoke Dm Llights rThick Soke Dmi Lilghts Trhick Somke
Djm Loghts Sjoke Djim Tick Sjmoke Dijm Lioghts Tihck Smjoke D9m Lkghts Tjick Skoke D9im Tjhick Skmoke Di9m Likghts Thjick Smkoke
Dlm L8ghts Tuick Snoke Dlim L8ights Tuhick Snmoke Dilm Li8ghts Thuick Smnoke Dom Lughts Tnick Smooke Doim Luights Tnhick Smke Diom Liughts Thnick Smkoe
Dkm Ligghts Tbick Smkke Dkim Lihts Tbhick Dikm Lihgts Thbick Smokke D8m Lihhts Tgick Sm9ke D8im Lihghts Sm9oke Di8m Lighhts Thgick Smo9ke
Dum Liyhts Tyick Sm0ke Duim Liyghts Sm0oke Dium Ligyhts Thyick Smo0ke Dimm Libhts Thiick Smlke Di Libghts Thck Smloke Dim Ligbhts Thcik Smolke
Dij Livhts Thjck Smike Livghts Smioke Dimj Ligvhts Thijck Smoike Dik Lifhts Th9ck Lifghts Th9ick Smoe Dimk Ligfhts Thi9ck Smoek
Din Lithts Thlck Smole Dinm Litghts Thlick Dimn Ligthts Thilck Smokle

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