Porter Wagoner
What Ain't To Be Just Might Happen

(Porter Wagoner)

I've learned to live my life just a little bit lighter
Gonna look on the lonely days a little bit brighter
My heart's been throwed around it ain't done enough laughin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.

It don't do no good to worry none
Just turns your hair gray while you're still young
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.

You can't never tell when love might find you
Could be miles away or right beside you
Some makes you hurt real bad some makes you happy
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.

It don't do no good to worry none
Just turns your hair gray while you're still young
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.

--- Instrumental ---

I had a love one time sent me out on a ledge
Fourteen stories high standin' on the edge
I don't want that kind no more to start my world a crackin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.

It don't do no good to worry none
Just turns your hair gray while you're still young
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.

What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen...

Mirror lyrics:

What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen...

What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
Just turns your hair gray while you're still young
It don't do no good to worry none

What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.
I don't want that kind no more to start my world a crackin'
Fourteen stories high standin' on the edge
I had a love one time sent me out on a ledge

--- Instrumental ---

What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
Just turns your hair gray while you're still young
It don't do no good to worry none

What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.
Some makes you hurt real bad some makes you happy
Could be miles away or right beside you
You can't never tell when love might find you

What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.
Love can make you sing start your hands a clappin'
Just turns your hair gray while you're still young
It don't do no good to worry none

What is to be will be what ain't to be just might happen.
My heart's been throwed around it ain't done enough laughin'
Gonna look on the lonely days a little bit brighter
I've learned to live my life just a little bit lighter

(Porter Wagoner)

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Whnat Aikn't To0 Bed Juist Miught Hawppen Wbat A8n't Tl Bw J8st Migght Hxppen Wbhat A8in't Tlo Bwe J8ust Miht Hxappen Whbat Ai8n't Tol Bew Ju8st Mihgt Haxppen Wgat Aun't Ti Jjst Mihht Happpen
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