It Must Be Nice

okay first of all Lyfe Jennings sings this NOT pitbull

[1st Vrs]
Hmmmmm-Mmmmm x2(Yeah)
Must be nice
Having someone who understands the life you live
Must be nice
Having someone who's slow to take and quick to give
Must be nice
Having someone who sticks around when the rough times get thick
someone who's smile is bright enough to make the projects
feel like a mansion
Must be nice
Having someone who loves you despite your faults
Must be nice
Having someone who talks the talk but also walks the walk
Must be nice
Having someone who understands that a thug has feelings too
someone who loves you for sho'
you just remember to never let 'em go

Even when your hustling days are gone
She'll be by your side still holding on
Even when those 20's stop spinning
and all those gold-digging women disappear
she'll still be here

[2nd Vrs]
Must be nice
Having someone you can come home to from a long day of work
Must be nice
Having someone you don't have to show they know exactly where it hurts
Must be nice
Having someone who trusts you despite what they've heard
Someone as mighty as a lion but still as gentle as a bluebird
Must be nice
Having someone you don't have to tell you don't want to be alone
Must be nice
Having someone you can grow old with until God calls ya'll home
Must be nice
Having someone who understands that a thug has feelings too
someone who loves you for sho'
you just remember to never let 'em go

[Chorus] x4

Mirror lyrics:

[Chorus] x4

you just remember to never let 'em go
someone who loves you for sho'
Having someone who understands that a thug has feelings too
Must be nice
Having someone you can grow old with until God calls ya'll home
Must be nice
Having someone you don't have to tell you don't want to be alone
Must be nice
Someone as mighty as a lion but still as gentle as a bluebird
Having someone who trusts you despite what they've heard
Must be nice
Having someone you don't have to show they know exactly where it hurts
Must be nice
Having someone you can come home to from a long day of work
Must be nice
[2nd Vrs]

she'll still be here
and all those gold-digging women disappear
Even when those 20's stop spinning
She'll be by your side still holding on
Even when your hustling days are gone

you just remember to never let 'em go
someone who loves you for sho'
Having someone who understands that a thug has feelings too
Must be nice
Having someone who talks the talk but also walks the walk
Must be nice
Having someone who loves you despite your faults
Must be nice
feel like a mansion
someone who's smile is bright enough to make the projects
Having someone who sticks around when the rough times get thick
Must be nice
Having someone who's slow to take and quick to give
Must be nice
Having someone who understands the life you live
Must be nice
Hmmmmm-Mmmmm x2(Yeah)
[1st Vrs]

okay first of all Lyfe Jennings sings this NOT pitbull

Relevant Tags:
IIt MMust BBe NNice t ust e ice tI uMst eB iNce jt just ve mice jIt jMust vBe mNice Ijt Mjust Bve Nmice 9t kust ge hice
9It kMust gBe hNice I9t Mkust Bge Nhice lt nust ne jice lIt nMust nBe jNice Ilt Mnust Bne Njice ot Muust he bice oIt Mst hBe bNice
Iot Msut Bhe Nbice kt Mhst Bee Niice kIt Mhust B Nce Ikt Muhst Be Ncie 8t M7st Bs Njce 8It M7ust Bse I8t Mu7st Bes Nijce
ut Mkst B3 N9ce uIt B3e N9ice Iut Mukst Be3 Ni9ce Itt Mist Bf Nlce I Miust Bfe Nlice It Muist Bef Nilce If M8st Br Noce
Ift M8ust Bre Noice Itf Mu8st Ber Nioce I5 Mjst B4 Nkce I5t B4e Nkice It5 Mujst Be4 Nikce Ih Myst Bd N8ce Iht Myust Bde N8ice
Ith Muyst Bed Ni8ce Iy Musst Bw Nuce Iyt Mut Bwe Nuice Ity Muts Bew Niuce I6 Muzt Nicce

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