Pj Harvey
My Own Private Revolution

Fate has always
One might say
Driven me
From place to place

Love on the stage
Love on the stage
Up and carried
Me away

I have pursued my dream
All across the sky
All across the soil
And left my joyous town
When I was young
I watched it from my door
With the eyes of a child
You seemed so clear

My own private revolution
My own private revolution
In my own private revolution
My own private revolution

Over the town
We fly out
Lovers embracing
Outside the golden gates

Love on the stage
Love on the stage
Nor must we endure
Any separation

Over the town
We fly out
My own private revolution
Over the city
Made my own private revolution, revolving
We fly out
My own private revolution, revolving

I have found purity
Inside the face of children
The voice of divinity
In my own private revolution

My own private revolution
Over the town
Made my own private revolution
Over the city
My own private revolution, revolving
Tempt me, must be heaven sent
With my own private revolution, revolving

Mirror lyrics:

With my own private revolution, revolving
Tempt me, must be heaven sent
My own private revolution, revolving
Over the city
Made my own private revolution
Over the town
My own private revolution

In my own private revolution
The voice of divinity
Inside the face of children
I have found purity

My own private revolution, revolving
We fly out
Made my own private revolution, revolving
Over the city
My own private revolution
We fly out
Over the town

Any separation
Nor must we endure
Love on the stage
Love on the stage

Outside the golden gates
Lovers embracing
We fly out
Over the town

My own private revolution
In my own private revolution
My own private revolution
My own private revolution

You seemed so clear
With the eyes of a child
I watched it from my door
When I was young
And left my joyous town
All across the soil
All across the sky
I have pursued my dream

Me away
Up and carried
Love on the stage
Love on the stage

From place to place
Driven me
One might say
Fate has always

Relevant Tags:
MMy OOwn PPrivate RRevolution y wn rivate evolution yM wOn rPivate eRvolution jy kwn 0rivate devolution jMy kOwn 0Private dRevolution
Mjy Okwn P0rivate Rdevolution ky 9wn lrivate 4evolution kMy 9Own lPrivate 4Revolution Mky O9wn Plrivate R4evolution ny 0wn orivate gevolution
nMy 0Own oPrivate gRevolution Mny O0wn Porivate Rgevolution Myy lwn Prrivate tevolution M lOwn Pivate tRevolution My Olwn Pirvate Rtevolution
Mg iwn Pdivate 5evolution Mgy iOwn Pdrivate 5Revolution Myg Oiwn Prdivate R5evolution Mh Owwn P4ivate fevolution Mhy On P4rivate fRevolution
Myh Onw Pr4ivate Rfevolution M6 Oan Pgivate eevolution M6y Oawn Pgrivate eRevolution My6 Owan Prgivate Reevolution Mu O3n Ptivate
Muy O3wn Ptrivate Rvolution Myu Ow3n Prtivate Rveolution M7 Odn P5ivate Rsvolution M7y Odwn P5rivate Rsevolution My7 Owdn Pr5ivate Resvolution
Mj Oen Pfivate R3volution Oewn Pfrivate R3evolution Myj Owen Prfivate Re3volution Mt Osn Peivate Rfvolution Mty Oswn Perivate
Myt Owsn Preivate Refvolution O2n Priivate Rrvolution O2wn Prvate Rrevolution Ow2n Prviate Rervolution Oqn Prjvate R4volution
Oqwn Prjivate Owqn Prijvate Re4volution Ownn Pr9vate Rdvolution Ow Pr9ivate Own Pri9vate Redvolution
Owm Prlvate Rwvolution Owmn Prlivate Rwevolution Ownm Prilvate Rewvolution Owh Provate Revvolution Owhn Proivate Reolution
Ownh Priovate Reovlution Owj Prkvate Rebolution Owjn Prkivate Rebvolution Ownj Prikvate Revbolution Owb Pr8vate Recolution
Owbn Pr8ivate Recvolution Ownb Pri8vate Revcolution Pruvate Regolution Pruivate Regvolution Priuvate Revgolution
Privvate Refolution Priate Priavte Revfolution Pribate Revoolution Pribvate Revlution
Privbate Revloution Pricate Revklution Pricvate Revkolution Privcate Revoklution Prigate Rev9lution
Prigvate Rev9olution Privgate Revo9lution Prifate Rev0lution Prifvate Rev0olution Privfate Revo0lution
Privaate Revllution Privte Revlolution Privtae Revollution Privzte Revilution Privzate Reviolution
Privazte Revoilution Privqte Privqate Revoution Privaqte Revoultion Privste Revokution
Privsate Privaste Revolkution Privwte Revooution Privwate Privawte Revoloution
Privxte Revopution

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