Pj And Duncan
If I Give You My Number

Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!

Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta!

Watch me as I rip on the smooth tip!
As I flip, hold on quick!
Don't let me slip; get a grip,
Get a grip on reality!
Wanna get busy?
(Gimme the hump, gimme the pump!)
I'm so full of sensuality,
No back-trackin', 'cause I ain't slackin',
So listen to the lines I'm stackin'!

If I give you my number!
(If I give you my number!)
Will you call?
(Will you call?)
Will you call?
(Will you call me?)
If I give you my number!

(If I give you my number!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget me!)

As I checkidi-check-check, check ya out,
On the florr you move like a snake,
Hissing, what am I missing?
(Gimme the hump, gimme the pump!)
Slow kissin'?
Sharp as a razor; I wanna amaze ya, burn like a lazer!
Pick up!
Start up!
Straight up if you're fed up!
Get up! Get up! I won't let up!

If I give you my number!
(If I give you my number!)
Will you call?
(Will you call?)
Will you call?
(Will you call me?)

If I give you my number!
(If I give you my number!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget me!)

One love between you and me!
Two hearts in harmony!
Three little words, the rhythm, the rhyme,
For better, for worse, it's about that time!

If I give you my number...
If I give you my number...
If I give you my number...
If I give you my number are ya gonna call?
If I give you my number are ya gonna call?

Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta!

Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta!

If I give you my number!
(If I give you my number!)
Will you call?
(Will you call?)
Will you call?
(Will you call me?)

If I give you my number!
(If I give you my number!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget me!)

Mirror lyrics:

(Don't forget me!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget!)
Don't forget!
(If I give you my number!)
If I give you my number!

(Will you call me?)
Will you call?
(Will you call?)
Will you call?
(If I give you my number!)
If I give you my number!

I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!

I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!

If I give you my number are ya gonna call?
If I give you my number are ya gonna call?
If I give you my number...
If I give you my number...
If I give you my number...

For better, for worse, it's about that time!
Three little words, the rhythm, the rhyme,
Two hearts in harmony!
One love between you and me!

(Don't forget me!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget!)
Don't forget!
(If I give you my number!)
If I give you my number!

(Will you call me?)
Will you call?
(Will you call?)
Will you call?
(If I give you my number!)
If I give you my number!

Get up! Get up! I won't let up!
Straight up if you're fed up!
Start up!
Pick up!
Sharp as a razor; I wanna amaze ya, burn like a lazer!
Slow kissin'?
(Gimme the hump, gimme the pump!)
Hissing, what am I missing?
On the florr you move like a snake,
As I checkidi-check-check, check ya out,

(Don't forget me!)
Don't forget!
(Don't forget!)
Don't forget!
(If I give you my number!)

If I give you my number!
(Will you call me?)
Will you call?
(Will you call?)
Will you call?
(If I give you my number!)
If I give you my number!

So listen to the lines I'm stackin'!
No back-trackin', 'cause I ain't slackin',
I'm so full of sensuality,
(Gimme the hump, gimme the pump!)
Wanna get busy?
Get a grip on reality!
Don't let me slip; get a grip,
As I flip, hold on quick!
Watch me as I rip on the smooth tip!

I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!
Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!

Gotta make a start, gonna make a move!

Relevant Tags:
IIf II GGive YYou MMy NNumber f ive ou y umber fI I iGve oYu yM uNmber jf j hive gou jy mumber jIf jI hGive gYou jMy mNumber Ijf Ij Ghive Ygou Mjy Nmumber
9f 9 yive hou ky humber 9If 9I yGive hYou kMy hNumber I9f I9 Gyive Yhou Mky Nhumber lf l bive 6ou ny jumber lIf lI bGive 6You nMy jNumber Ilf Il Gbive Y6ou Mny Njumber
of o vive uou Myy bumber oIf oI vGive uYou M bNumber Iof Io Gvive Yuou My Nbumber kf k five 7ou Mg Nuumber kIf kI fGive 7You Mgy Nmber Ikf Ik Gfive Y7ou Myg Nmuber
8f 8 tive jou Mh Nhmber 8If 8I tGive jYou Mhy I8f I8 Gtive Yjou Myh Nuhmber uf u Giive tou M6 N7mber uIf uI Gve tYou M6y N7umber Iuf Iu Gvie Ytou My6 Nu7mber
Iff Gjve Yoou Mu Nkmber I Gjive Yu Muy Nkumber If Gijve Yuo Myu Nukmber Ic G9ve Yku M7 Nimber Icf G9ive Ykou M7y Niumber Ifc Gi9ve Yoku My7 Nuimber
Ir Glve Y9u Mj N8mber Irf Glive Y9ou N8umber Ifr Gilve Yo9u Myj Nu8mber Ig Gove Y0u Mt Njmber Igf Goive Y0ou Mty Ifg Giove Yo0u Myt Nujmber
It Gkve Ylu Nymber Itf Gkive Ylou Nyumber Ift Gikve Yolu Nuymber Iv G8ve Yiu Nummber Ivf G8ive Yiou Nuber Ifv Gi8ve Yoiu Nubmer
Id Guve Youu Nujber Idf Guive Yo Ifd Giuve You Numjber Givve Yoh Nukber Gie Yohu Giev Youh Numkber
Gibe Yo7 Nunber Gibve Yo7u Nunmber Givbe You7 Numnber Gice Yok Numbber

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