
Got hips like Cinderella
Must have been having a good shame
Talkin' sweet about nothing
Cookie, I think you're tame, tame, tame, tame

I'm making good friends with you
When you're shaking your good frame
Fall on your face in those bad shoes
Lyin' there like you're tame, tame, tame, tame
Tame, tame, tame, tame

Tame, tame, tame, tame, tame, tame, tame

Mirror lyrics:

Tame, tame, tame, tame, tame, tame, tame

Tame, tame, tame, tame
Lyin' there like you're tame, tame, tame, tame
Fall on your face in those bad shoes
When you're shaking your good frame
I'm making good friends with you

Cookie, I think you're tame, tame, tame, tame
Talkin' sweet about nothing
Must have been having a good shame
Got hips like Cinderella

Relevant Tags:
TTame ame aTme fame fTame Tfame 5ame 5Tame T5ame hame hTame
Thame yame yTame Tyame 6ame 6Tame T6ame game gTame Tgame rame
rTame Trame Taame Tme Tmae Tzme Tzame Tazme Tqme Tqame Taqme
Tsme Tsame Tasme Twme Twame Tawme

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