When I Think Of You

When I get this feeling down below,
I lock my bathroom door.
Think of the way it used to go.
Burnin' me up from head to toe.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.

When I get this feeling down below,
I pounce, you take control.
We bounce back to and fro.
We clean the dirty floor.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.

If there could be a way to find you,
You know I'd be driving right behind you.
You know I'll be looking out for danger.
We could pretend that we're both strangers.

I wont say... a... thing

When I get this feeling down below,
I'm ready to explode.
We drop like domino.
Stimulate my frontal lobe.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.

When I get this feeling down below,
My back against the door.
Slap back, delay and go.
You crack my inner code.
When I think of you
When I think of you
When I think of you



If there could be a way to find you.

Mirror lyrics:

If there could be a way to find you.



When I think of you
When I think of you
When I think of you
You crack my inner code.
Slap back, delay and go.
My back against the door.
When I get this feeling down below,

When I think of you.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.
Stimulate my frontal lobe.
We drop like domino.
I'm ready to explode.
When I get this feeling down below,

I wont say... a... thing

We could pretend that we're both strangers.
You know I'll be looking out for danger.
You know I'd be driving right behind you.
If there could be a way to find you,

When I think of you.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.
We clean the dirty floor.
We bounce back to and fro.
I pounce, you take control.
When I get this feeling down below,

When I think of you.
When I think of you.
When I think of you.
Burnin' me up from head to toe.
Think of the way it used to go.
I lock my bathroom door.
When I get this feeling down below,

Relevant Tags:
WWhen II TThink OOf YYou hen hink f ou hWen I hTink fO oYu ahen j fhink kf gou aWhen jI fThink kOf gYou Wahen Ij Tfhink Okf Ygou
3hen 9 5hink 9f hou 3When 9I 5Think 9Of hYou W3hen I9 T5hink O9f Yhou dhen l hhink 0f 6ou dWhen lI hThink 0Of 6You Wdhen Il Thhink O0f Y6ou
ehen o yhink lf uou eWhen oI yThink lOf uYou Wehen Io Tyhink Olf Yuou shen k 6hink if 7ou sWhen kI 6Think iOf 7You Wshen Ik T6hink Oif Y7ou
2hen 8 ghink Off jou 2When 8I gThink O jYou W2hen I8 Tghink Of Yjou qhen u rhink Oc tou qWhen uI rThink Ocf tYou Wqhen Iu Trhink Ofc Ytou
Whhen Or Yoou Wen Tink Orf Yu Wehn Tihnk Ofr Yuo Wjen Tjink Og Yku Wjhen Tjhink Ogf Ykou Whjen Thjink Ofg Yoku
Wuen Tuink Ot Y9u Wuhen Tuhink Otf Y9ou Whuen Thuink Oft Yo9u Wnen Tnink Ov Y0u Wnhen Tnhink Ovf Y0ou Whnen Thnink Ofv Yo0u
Wben Tbink Od Ylu Wbhen Tbhink Odf Ylou Whben Thbink Ofd Yolu Wgen Tgink Yiu Wghen Yiou Whgen Thgink Yoiu
Wyen Tyink Youu Wyhen Yo Whyen Thyink You Wheen Thiink Yoh Whn Thnk Yohu

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