Dream Within A Dream

all that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream

take this kiss upon the brow
and in parting from you now
this much let me avow
you are not wrong who deemed
that my days have been a dream
yet if hope has flown away
in a night, in a day, in a vision, or a memory
is it therefore the less gone?
all that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream

I stand amid the roar
of the surf tormented shore
and I hold within my hands
grains of golden sand
how few yet how they creep
through my fingers to the deep
while I weep, while I weep
oh god can I not grasp them with a tighter clasp
oh god can I not save one from the pitiless wave
is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream

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Mirror lyrics:

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but a dream within a dream
is all that we see or seem
oh god can I not save one from the pitiless wave
oh god can I not grasp them with a tighter clasp
while I weep, while I weep
through my fingers to the deep
how few yet how they creep
grains of golden sand
and I hold within my hands
of the surf tormented shore
I stand amid the roar

is but a dream within a dream
all that we see or seem
is it therefore the less gone?
in a night, in a day, in a vision, or a memory
yet if hope has flown away
that my days have been a dream
you are not wrong who deemed
this much let me avow
and in parting from you now
take this kiss upon the brow

is but a dream within a dream
all that we see or seem

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DDream WWithin AA DDream ream ithin ream rDeam iWthin A rDeam xream aithin z xream xDream aWithin zA xDream Dxream Waithin Az Dxream
eream 3ithin q eream eDream 3Within qA eDream Deream W3ithin Aq Deream fream dithin s fream fDream dWithin sA fDream Dfream Wdithin As Dfream
rream eithin w rream rDream eWithin wA rDream Drream Weithin Aw Drream cream sithin x cream cDream sWithin xA cDream Dcream Wsithin Ax Dcream
sream 2ithin sream sDream 2Within sDream Dsream W2ithin Dsream qithin Deam qWithin Deam Deram Wqithin Deram
Ddeam Wiithin Ddeam Ddream Wthin Ddream Drdeam Wtihin Drdeam D4eam Wjthin D4eam D4ream Wjithin D4ream Dr4eam Wijthin Dr4eam
Dgeam W9thin Dgeam Dgream W9ithin Dgream Drgeam Wi9thin Drgeam Dteam Wlthin Dteam Dtream Wlithin Dtream Drteam Wilthin Drteam
D5eam Wothin D5eam D5ream Woithin D5ream Dr5eam Wiothin Dr5eam Dfeam Wkthin Dfeam Wkithin Drfeam Wikthin Drfeam
Deeam W8thin Deeam W8ithin Dreeam Wi8thin Dreeam Wuthin Dram Wuithin Dram Draem Wiuthin Draem
Drsam Witthin Drsam Drseam Wihin Drseam Dresam Wihtin Dresam Dr3am Wifhin Dr3am Dr3eam Wifthin Dr3eam Dre3am Witfhin Dre3am
Drfam Wi5hin Drfam Wi5thin Drefam Wit5hin Drefam Drram Wihhin Drram Wihthin Dreram Withhin Dreram
Dr4am Wiyhin Dr4am Wiythin Dre4am Wityhin Dre4am

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