Without Hope

I just know it's all gone wrong
Feeling all the pressure, can't weather the storm
'Cause I kept myself in a cage
All wound up and filled with rage

I just know it's all gone wrong
Feeling all the pressure, can't weather the storm
'Cause I kept myself in a cage
All wound up and filled with rage

Forgive oneself of nothing at all
Pounding my head against the wall
Guilt ridden and bound to lose
Puncture my wounds, won't see the truth

I looked in the mirror, what did I see?
One man bitter with apathy
The whole thing turned out to be a joke
But I'm not laughing, I'm without hope
I'm without hope

It's never well thought out, just my instant demise
Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's all so bitter, the hurt inside
Haste and hatred, my inner desire

Ruptured, I've lost it all
My heart ripped out, I can't stand at all
'Cause I've cost my brain to never relax
Picking at all the torturous facts
I just know it's all gone wrong
Feeling all the pressure, can't weather the storm

It's never well thought out, just my instant demise
Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's all so bitter, the hurt inside
Haste and hatred, my inner desire

My inner desire
It's my inner desire

It's never well thought out, just my instant demise
Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's all so bitter, the hurt inside
Haste and hatred, my inner desire

It's my inner desire

Mirror lyrics:

It's my inner desire

Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's all so bitter, the hurt inside
Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's never well thought out, just my instant demise

It's my inner desire
My inner desire

Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's all so bitter, the hurt inside
Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's never well thought out, just my instant demise

Feeling all the pressure, can't weather the storm
I just know it's all gone wrong
Picking at all the torturous facts
'Cause I've cost my brain to never relax
My heart ripped out, I can't stand at all
Ruptured, I've lost it all

Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's all so bitter, the hurt inside
Haste and hatred, my inner desire
It's never well thought out, just my instant demise

I'm without hope
But I'm not laughing, I'm without hope
The whole thing turned out to be a joke
One man bitter with apathy
I looked in the mirror, what did I see?

Puncture my wounds, won't see the truth
Guilt ridden and bound to lose
Pounding my head against the wall
Forgive oneself of nothing at all

All wound up and filled with rage
'Cause I kept myself in a cage
Feeling all the pressure, can't weather the storm
I just know it's all gone wrong

All wound up and filled with rage
'Cause I kept myself in a cage
Feeling all the pressure, can't weather the storm
I just know it's all gone wrong

Relevant Tags:
WWithout HHope ithout ope iWthout oHpe aithout jope aWithout jHope Waithout Hjope 3ithout uope 3Without uHope W3ithout Huope
dithout nope dWithout nHope Wdithout Hnope eithout bope eWithout bHope Weithout Hbope sithout gope sWithout gHope Wsithout Hgope
2ithout yope 2Without yHope W2ithout Hyope qithout Hoope qWithout Hpe Wqithout Hpoe Wiithout Hkpe Wthout Hkope Wtihout Hokpe
Wjthout H9pe Wjithout H9ope Wijthout Ho9pe W9thout H0pe W9ithout H0ope Wi9thout Ho0pe Wlthout Hlpe Wlithout Hlope Wilthout Holpe
Wothout Hipe Woithout Hiope Wiothout Hoipe Wkthout Hoppe Wkithout Hoe Wikthout Hoep W8thout Ho0e W8ithout Wi8thout Hop0e
Wuthout Hole Wuithout Wiuthout Hople Witthout Hooe Wihout Wihtout Hopoe Wifhout Hopee Wifthout Hop Witfhout Hope
Wi5hout Hops Wi5thout Hopse Wit5hout Hopes Wihhout Hop3 Wihthout Hop3e Withhout Hope3 Wiyhout Hopf Wiythout Hopfe Wityhout Hopef
Wi6hout Hopr Wi6thout Hopre Wit6hout Hoper Wighout Hop4 Wigthout Hop4e Witghout Hope4 Wirhout Hopd Wirthout Hopde Witrhout Hoped
Hopw Witout Hopwe Witohut Hopew Witjout

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