
Teach me the way
To be humble and good
To be quiet when I should
To be great

I am not what I was
Or what I will be
There is no one guessing for me

There's a draft like a well
And a warm wet smell
And there is no one to break the fall

It's so patient and meek
And you mouth never speaks
Of the times when our hopes die

There's a draft like a well
And a warm wet smell
And there's no one to break the fall

Teach me the way
To be humble and good
To be quiet when I should
To be great

Mirror lyrics:

To be great
To be quiet when I should
To be humble and good
Teach me the way

And there's no one to break the fall
And a warm wet smell
There's a draft like a well

Of the times when our hopes die
And you mouth never speaks
It's so patient and meek

And there is no one to break the fall
And a warm wet smell
There's a draft like a well

There is no one guessing for me
Or what I will be
I am not what I was

To be great
To be quiet when I should
To be humble and good
Teach me the way

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Ukpstairs ipstairs iUpstairs Uipstairs 8pstairs 8Upstairs U8pstairs jpstairs jUpstairs Ujpstairs ypstairs
yUpstairs Uypstairs Uppstairs Ustairs Usptairs U0stairs U0pstairs Up0stairs Ulstairs Ulpstairs Uplstairs
Uostairs Uopstairs Upostairs Upsstairs Uptairs Uptsairs Upztairs Upzstairs Upsztairs Upwtairs Upwstairs
Upswtairs Updtairs Updstairs Upsdtairs Upetairs Upestairs Upsetairs Upxtairs Upxstairs Upsxtairs Upatairs
Upastairs Upsatairs Upsttairs Upsairs Upsatirs Upsfairs Upsftairs Upstfairs Ups5airs Ups5tairs Upst5airs
Upshairs Upshtairs Upsthairs Upsyairs Upsytairs Upstyairs Ups6airs Ups6tairs Upst6airs Upsgairs Upsgtairs
Upstgairs Upsrairs Upsrtairs Upstrairs Upstaairs Upstirs

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