Sarah Brightman
The Music Of The Night

Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation
Darkness wakes and stris imagination
Silently the senses abandon their defences
Helpless to resist the notes I write
For I compose the music of the night

Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendour
Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender
Hearing is believing
Music is deceiving
Hot as lightning, soft as candlelight

Close your eyes
For your eyes will only tell the truth
And the truth isn't what you want to see
In the dark it is easy to pretend
But the truth is what it ought to be

Softly, deftly, music shall caress you
Fear it, feel it secretly possess you
Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind
In this darkness which you know you cannot fight
The darkness of the music of the night

Close your eyes
Start a journey through a strange new world
Evil htoughts of the world you knew before
Close your eyes and let music set you free
Only then can you belong in me

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication
Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation
Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in
To the power of the music that i write
The power of the music of the night

You alone can make my song take flight
Help me make the music of the night

Mirror lyrics:

Help me make the music of the night
You alone can make my song take flight

The power of the music of the night
To the power of the music that i write
Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in
Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation
Floating, falling, sweet intoxication

Only then can you belong in me
Close your eyes and let music set you free
Evil htoughts of the world you knew before
Start a journey through a strange new world
Close your eyes

The darkness of the music of the night
In this darkness which you know you cannot fight
Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind
Fear it, feel it secretly possess you
Softly, deftly, music shall caress you

But the truth is what it ought to be
In the dark it is easy to pretend
And the truth isn't what you want to see
For your eyes will only tell the truth
Close your eyes

Hot as lightning, soft as candlelight
Music is deceiving
Hearing is believing
Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender
Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendour

For I compose the music of the night
Helpless to resist the notes I write
Silently the senses abandon their defences
Darkness wakes and stris imagination
Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation

Relevant Tags:
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Tue Mjsic Ot Tue Nkght Tuhe Otf Tuhe Nkight Thue Mujsic Oft Thue Nikght Tne Mysic Ov Tne N8ght Tnhe Myusic Ovf Tnhe N8ight Thne Muysic Ofv Thne Ni8ght
Tbe Mussic Od Tbe Nught Tbhe Muic Odf Tbhe Nuight Thbe Muisc Ofd Thbe Niught Tge Muzic Tge Nigght Muzsic Niht Thge Muszic Thge Nihgt
Tye Muwic Tye Nihht Muwsic Nihght Thye Muswic Thye Nighht Thee Mudic Thee Niyht Th Mudsic Th Niyght The Musdic The Nigyht
Ths Mueic Ths Nibht

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