Sarah Brightman
She Doesn't See Him

When she passes him by
She's a ray of light
Like the first drop of sun
From the sky
And he knows she's a queen
Who deserves a king
But he's not a king
And she doesn't see him

When she dances
She moves him to a smile
And he sees everything
Near her shine
There's a grace in her ways
That he can't contain
He hasn't that grace
Oh, he hasn't that grace

And the closer he gets
He can't help but hide
So ashamed
Of his body and voice
There are boundaries
We pass in spite of the war
But our own
Can't seem to cross

He has a way that surrounds his
So delicate
With a glory that reigns in his life
She is also so much that she is not
These things they don't see
'Cause she doesn't see him
Oh-oh-oh ...
And she doesn't see him

There are things we can change
If we just choose to fight
But the walls of injustice are high

When she passes him by
She's a ray of light
Like the first drop of sun
From the sky
And he knows she's a queen
Who deserves a king
Someone other than him
So different from him

Oh-oh-oh ...
She doesn't see him
Oh-oh-oh ...
She doesn't see him
She doesn't see him

Mirror lyrics:

She doesn't see him
She doesn't see him
Oh-oh-oh ...
She doesn't see him
Oh-oh-oh ...

So different from him
Someone other than him
Who deserves a king
And he knows she's a queen
From the sky
Like the first drop of sun
She's a ray of light
When she passes him by

But the walls of injustice are high
If we just choose to fight
There are things we can change

And she doesn't see him
Oh-oh-oh ...
'Cause she doesn't see him
These things they don't see
She is also so much that she is not
With a glory that reigns in his life
So delicate
He has a way that surrounds his

Can't seem to cross
But our own
We pass in spite of the war
There are boundaries
Of his body and voice
So ashamed
He can't help but hide
And the closer he gets

Oh, he hasn't that grace
He hasn't that grace
That he can't contain
There's a grace in her ways
Near her shine
And he sees everything
She moves him to a smile
When she dances

And she doesn't see him
But he's not a king
Who deserves a king
And he knows she's a queen
From the sky
Like the first drop of sun
She's a ray of light
When she passes him by

Relevant Tags:
SShe DDoesn't SSee HHim he oesn't ee im hSe oDesn't eSe iHm zhe xoesn't zee jim zShe xDoesn't zSee jHim Szhe Dxoesn't Szee Hjim
whe eoesn't wee uim wShe eDoesn't wSee uHim Swhe Deoesn't Swee Huim dhe foesn't dee nim dShe fDoesn't dSee nHim Sdhe Dfoesn't Sdee Hnim
ehe roesn't eee bim eShe rDoesn't eSee bHim Sehe Droesn't Seee Hbim xhe coesn't xee gim xShe cDoesn't xSee gHim Sxhe Dcoesn't Sxee Hgim
ahe soesn't aee yim aShe sDoesn't aSee yHim Sahe Dsoesn't Saee Hyim Shhe Dooesn't Hiim Se Desn't Se Hm Seh Deosn't See Hmi
Sje Dkesn't Sse Hjm Sjhe Dkoesn't Ssee Shje Dokesn't Sese Hijm Sue D9esn't S3e H9m Suhe D9oesn't S3ee H9im Shue Do9esn't Se3e Hi9m
Sne D0esn't Sfe Hlm Snhe D0oesn't Sfee Hlim Shne Do0esn't Sefe Hilm Sbe Dlesn't Sre Hom Sbhe Dloesn't Sree Hoim Shbe Dolesn't Sere Hiom
Sge Diesn't S4e Hkm Sghe Dioesn't S4ee Hkim Shge Doiesn't Se4e Hikm Sye Doeesn't Sde H8m Syhe Dosn't H8im Shye Dosen't Sede Hi8m
Shee Dossn't Swe Hum Sh Dosesn't She Doessn't Sewe Hium Shs Do3sn't Himm Shse Do3esn't Hi Shes Doe3sn't Him
Sh3 Dofsn't Ses Hij Sh3e Dofesn't She3 Doefsn't Sees Himj Shf Dorsn't Se3 Hik Shfe Doresn't Shef Doersn't See3 Himk
Shr Do4sn't Sef Hin Shre Do4esn't Hinm Sher Doe4sn't Seef Himn Sh4 Dodsn't Ser Sh4e Dodesn't She4 Doedsn't Seer
Shd Dowsn't Se4

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