Sarah Brightman
Deliver Me

Deliver me, out of my sadness.
Deliver me, from all of the madness.
Deliver me, courage to guide me.
Deliver me, strength from inside me.

All of my life I've been in hiding.
Wishing there was someone just like you.
Now that you're here, now that I've found you,
I know that you're the one to pull me through.

Deliver me, loving and caring.
Deliver me, giving and sharing.
Deliver me, the cross that I'm bearing.

All of my life I was in hiding.
Wishing there was someone just like you.
Now that you're here, now that I've found you,
I know that you're the one to pull me through.

Deliver me,
Deliver me,
Oh deliver me.

All of my life I was in hiding.
Wishing there was someone just like you.
Now that you're here, now that I've found you,
I know that you're the one to pull me through.

Deliver me,
Oh deliver me.
Won't you deliver me

Mirror lyrics:

Won't you deliver me
Oh deliver me.
Deliver me,

I know that you're the one to pull me through.
Now that you're here, now that I've found you,
Wishing there was someone just like you.
All of my life I was in hiding.

Oh deliver me.
Deliver me,
Deliver me,

I know that you're the one to pull me through.
Now that you're here, now that I've found you,
Wishing there was someone just like you.
All of my life I was in hiding.

Deliver me, the cross that I'm bearing.
Deliver me, giving and sharing.
Deliver me, loving and caring.

I know that you're the one to pull me through.
Now that you're here, now that I've found you,
Wishing there was someone just like you.
All of my life I've been in hiding.

Deliver me, strength from inside me.
Deliver me, courage to guide me.
Deliver me, from all of the madness.
Deliver me, out of my sadness.

Relevant Tags:
DDeliver MMe eliver e eDliver eM xeliver je xDeliver jMe Dxeliver Mje eeliver ke eDeliver kMe Deeliver Mke feliver ne fDeliver nMe
Dfeliver Mne reliver Mee rDeliver M Dreliver Me celiver Ms cDeliver Mse Dceliver Mes seliver M3 sDeliver M3e Dseliver Me3 Mf
Dliver Mfe Dleiver Mef Dsliver Mr Mre Desliver Mer D3liver M4 D3eliver M4e De3liver Me4 Dfliver Md Mde Defliver Med
Drliver Mw Mwe Derliver Mew D4liver D4eliver De4liver Ddliver Ddeliver Dedliver Dwliver Dweliver
Dewliver Delliver Deiver Deilver Dekiver Dekliver Delkiver Deoiver Deoliver Deloiver Depiver
Depliver Delpiver Deliiver Delver Delvier Deljver Deljiver Delijver Del9ver Del9iver Deli9ver

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