Sarah Brightman
Arabian Nights

[Part 1: Scimatar Moon]

Don't you forget the echo's of time
Won't you regret the losing of minds
In my dreams I'm searching across the
desert sands for you
Scimatar moon is guiding me close to your side

[Part 2: Voyage]

Wilderness to wilderness
I traveled from afar
On the soft wind of the Nadq came
Fragrance of Araar
Splendor of a thousand suns shone glory in my path
No love more pure and rage more fierce
Could still my beating heart

[Part 3: Promise]

Should I return to trace the shadows of my chases
My steps will echo there from sand to stone
I Will never let my eyelids close on empty spaces
My dreams will find the void with tales unknown
Know the mighty infinite obscures the far horizon
The whispered road I take will never bend
And will the wind return my story to its promise
Or will my story chase me to my end

[Part 4: Hamesha]

[Hindi Lyrics]

[Part 5: Alone]

[Melodies unspoken]

Flowing from the lotus of my heart
Ending where we start

Promises unbroken
Promising a never-ending fire
Of love beyond desire
Ending where we start

Mirror lyrics:

Ending where we start
Of love beyond desire
Promising a never-ending fire
Promises unbroken

Ending where we start
Flowing from the lotus of my heart

[Melodies unspoken]

[Part 5: Alone]

[Hindi Lyrics]

[Part 4: Hamesha]

Or will my story chase me to my end
And will the wind return my story to its promise
The whispered road I take will never bend
Know the mighty infinite obscures the far horizon
My dreams will find the void with tales unknown
I Will never let my eyelids close on empty spaces
My steps will echo there from sand to stone
Should I return to trace the shadows of my chases

[Part 3: Promise]

Could still my beating heart
No love more pure and rage more fierce
Splendor of a thousand suns shone glory in my path
Fragrance of Araar
On the soft wind of the Nadq came
I traveled from afar
Wilderness to wilderness

[Part 2: Voyage]

Scimatar moon is guiding me close to your side
desert sands for you
In my dreams I'm searching across the
Won't you regret the losing of minds
Don't you forget the echo's of time

[Part 1: Scimatar Moon]

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