Psychotic Waltz
Spiral Tower

there a world who's smiling face
was spinning in circles out in space
on the day that the architects
have caused their plague of stone
turn the ancient land to street
spiral tower high defeats us
bursting out, standing tall
in lands we call our own
burst the dams with tidal waves
of twisting walls, each brick in place
into the dizzy heights the chase
but swaying in the wind
tearing, clawing, burning down
mountains hammered to the ground
building cities, building towns
not an inch of land unturned
still stand the eyes of all
gazing to the skies
breathless and still none the wise
of what they've really done
looking back to see the past
they win the race yet finish last
you suffer from the spell they've cast
spiral tower standing high
smashing all it passes by
earth lies bleeding starts to cry
no one cared to know
money, greed sees falling trees
all dropping to their sickly knees
found no cure for this disease
nowhere left to go
iron bars and bricks of stone
have left the earth picked to the bone
racing higher to the stars
the architects arise
shattering the sky
to stand a thousand miles high
as the shaking spiral tower
starts to fall to their surprise
burning are the eyes
wider just to see the skies
out of breath, none the wise
of what they've really done
a million light years from the past
we're stepping forward, moving back
there it falls to die
to be born again

Mirror lyrics:

to be born again
there it falls to die
we're stepping forward, moving back
a million light years from the past
of what they've really done
out of breath, none the wise
wider just to see the skies
burning are the eyes
starts to fall to their surprise
as the shaking spiral tower
to stand a thousand miles high
shattering the sky
the architects arise
racing higher to the stars
have left the earth picked to the bone
iron bars and bricks of stone
nowhere left to go
found no cure for this disease
all dropping to their sickly knees
money, greed sees falling trees
no one cared to know
earth lies bleeding starts to cry
smashing all it passes by
spiral tower standing high
you suffer from the spell they've cast
they win the race yet finish last
looking back to see the past
of what they've really done
breathless and still none the wise
gazing to the skies
still stand the eyes of all
not an inch of land unturned
building cities, building towns
mountains hammered to the ground
tearing, clawing, burning down
but swaying in the wind
into the dizzy heights the chase
of twisting walls, each brick in place
burst the dams with tidal waves
in lands we call our own
bursting out, standing tall
spiral tower high defeats us
turn the ancient land to street
have caused their plague of stone
on the day that the architects
was spinning in circles out in space
there a world who's smiling face

Relevant Tags:
SSpiral TTower piral ower pSiral oTwer zpiral fower zSpiral fTower Szpiral Tfower wpiral 5ower wSpiral 5Tower Swpiral T5ower
dpiral hower dSpiral hTower Sdpiral Thower epiral yower eSpiral yTower Sepiral Tyower xpiral 6ower xSpiral 6Tower Sxpiral T6ower
apiral gower aSpiral gTower Sapiral Tgower Sppiral rower Siral rTower Sipral Trower S0iral Toower S0piral Twer Sp0iral Twoer
Sliral Tkwer Slpiral Tkower Spliral Tokwer Soiral T9wer Sopiral T9ower Spoiral To9wer Spiiral T0wer Spral T0ower Sprial To0wer
Spjral Tlwer Spjiral Tlower Spijral Tolwer Sp9ral Tiwer Sp9iral Tiower Spi9ral Toiwer Splral Towwer Toer Spilral Toewr
Sporal Toaer Toawer Spioral Towaer Spkral To3er Spkiral To3wer Spikral Tow3er Sp8ral Toder Sp8iral Todwer Spi8ral Towder
Spural Toeer

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