Pink Floyd
It Would Be So Nice

It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet, sometime

Everybody wakes, and in the morning
Hot tea and can't stop yawning
Pass the butter please.
Have you ever read the Daily Standard?
Reading all about the plane that's landed
Upside down?

And no one knows what I did today
There can be no other way
But I would just like to say

It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet sometime

Everybody cares about the weather
And everybody should know better
What a waste of time
Everybody lives beneath the ceiling
Living out a dream that sends them reeling
To a distant place

But no one knows what I did today
There can be no other way
But I would just like to say

It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet sometime

Mirror lyrics:

To meet sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice

But I would just like to say
There can be no other way
But no one knows what I did today

To a distant place
Living out a dream that sends them reeling
Everybody lives beneath the ceiling
What a waste of time
And everybody should know better
Everybody cares about the weather

To meet sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
To meet sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice

But I would just like to say
There can be no other way
And no one knows what I did today

Upside down?
Reading all about the plane that's landed
Have you ever read the Daily Standard?
Pass the butter please.
Hot tea and can't stop yawning
Everybody wakes, and in the morning

To meet, sometime
It would be so nice
It would be so nice
It would be so nice

Relevant Tags:
IIt WWould BBe SSo NNice t ould e o ice tI oWuld eB oS iNce jt aould ve zo mice jIt aWould vBe zSo mNice Ijt Waould Bve Szo Nmice
9t 3ould ge wo hice 9It 3Would gBe wSo hNice I9t W3ould Bge Swo Nhice lt dould ne do jice lIt dWould nBe dSo jNice Ilt Wdould Bne Sdo Njice
ot eould he eo bice oIt eWould hBe eSo bNice Iot Weould Bhe Seo Nbice kt sould Bee xo Niice kIt sWould B xSo Nce Ikt Wsould Be Sxo Ncie
8t 2ould Bs ao Njce 8It 2Would Bse aSo I8t W2ould Bes Sao Nijce ut qould B3 Soo N9ce uIt qWould B3e S N9ice Iut Wqould Be3 So Ni9ce
Itt Woould Bf Sk Nlce I Wuld Bfe Sko Nlice It Wuold Bef Sok Nilce If Wkuld Br S9 Noce Ift Wkould Bre S9o Noice Itf Wokuld Ber So9 Nioce
I5 W9uld B4 S0 Nkce I5t W9ould B4e S0o Nkice It5 Wo9uld Be4 So0 Nikce Ih W0uld Bd Sl N8ce Iht W0ould Bde Slo N8ice Ith Wo0uld Bed Sol Ni8ce
Iy Wluld Bw Si Nuce Iyt Wlould Bwe Sio Nuice Ity Woluld Bew Soi Niuce I6 Wiuld Nicce I6t Wiould Nie It6 Woiuld Niec
Ig Wouuld Nife Igt Wold Nifce Itg Wolud Nicfe Ir Wohld Nixe Irt Wohuld Nixce Itr Wouhld Nicxe

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