Pink Floyd
Crying Song

We smile and smile
We smile and smile
Laughter echoes in your eyes
We climb and climb
We climb and climb
Footfalls softly in the pines
We cry and cry
We cry and cry
Sadness passes in a while
We roll and roll
We roll and roll
Help me roll away the stone

Mirror lyrics:

Help me roll away the stone
We roll and roll
We roll and roll
Sadness passes in a while
We cry and cry
We cry and cry
Footfalls softly in the pines
We climb and climb
We climb and climb
Laughter echoes in your eyes
We smile and smile
We smile and smile

Relevant Tags:
CCrying SSong rying ong rCying oSng frying zong fCrying zSong Cfrying Szong xrying wong xCrying wSong Cxrying Swong vrying dong
vCrying dSong Cvrying Sdong drying eong dCrying eSong Cdrying Seong Crrying xong Cying xSong Cyring Sxong Cdying aong aSong
Crdying Saong C4ying Soong C4rying Sng Cr4ying Snog Cgying Skng Cgrying Skong Crgying Sokng Ctying S9ng Ctrying S9ong Crtying So9ng
C5ying S0ng C5rying S0ong Cr5ying So0ng Cfying Slng Slong Crfying Solng Ceying Sing Cerying Siong Creying Soing Cryying Sonng
Cring Sog Criyng Sogn Crging Somg Somng Cryging Sonmg Crhing Sohg Crhying Sohng Cryhing Sonhg Cr6ing Sojg Cr6ying Sojng
Cry6ing Sonjg Cruing Sobg Cruying Sobng Cryuing Sonbg Cr7ing Songg Cr7ying Son Cry7ing Song

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