It's All Your Fault

I conjure up the thought of being gone
But I'd probably even do that wrong
I try to think about which way
Would I be able to and would I be afraid

Cause oh I'm bleeding out inside
Oh I don't even mind (Yeah)

It's all your fault
You called me beautiful
You turned me out
And now I can't turn back
I hold my breath
Because you were perfect
But I'm running out of air
And it's not fair

Da da dada da dada da
Da dadadadadada da dadadadadada

I'm trying to figure out what else to say (What else could I say)
To make you turn around and come back this way
(Would you just come back this way)
I feel like we could be really awesome together
So make up your mind cause it's now or never (Oh)

It's all your fault
You called me beautiful
You turned me out
And now I can't turn back
I hold my breath
Because you were perfect
But I'm running out of air
And it's not fair

I would never pull the trigger
But I've cried wolf a thousand times
I wish you could
Feel as bad as I do
I have lost my mind

It's all your fault
You called me beautiful
You turned me out
And now I can't turn back
I hold (I hold) my breath (My breath)
Because you were perfect
But I'm running out of air (Running out of air)
And it's not fair

(Oh yeah
It's all your fault)

I hold my breath
Because you were perfect
But I'm running out of air
And it's not (It's not) fair

Mirror lyrics:

And it's not (It's not) fair
But I'm running out of air
Because you were perfect
I hold my breath

It's all your fault)
(Oh yeah

And it's not fair
But I'm running out of air (Running out of air)
Because you were perfect
I hold (I hold) my breath (My breath)
And now I can't turn back
You turned me out
You called me beautiful
It's all your fault

I have lost my mind
Feel as bad as I do
I wish you could
But I've cried wolf a thousand times
I would never pull the trigger

And it's not fair
But I'm running out of air
Because you were perfect
I hold my breath
And now I can't turn back
You turned me out
You called me beautiful
It's all your fault

So make up your mind cause it's now or never (Oh)
I feel like we could be really awesome together
(Would you just come back this way)
To make you turn around and come back this way
I'm trying to figure out what else to say (What else could I say)

Da dadadadadada da dadadadadada
Da da dada da dada da

And it's not fair
But I'm running out of air
Because you were perfect
I hold my breath
And now I can't turn back
You turned me out
You called me beautiful
It's all your fault

Oh I don't even mind (Yeah)
Cause oh I'm bleeding out inside

Would I be able to and would I be afraid
I try to think about which way
But I'd probably even do that wrong
I conjure up the thought of being gone

Relevant Tags:
IIt's AAll YYour FFault t's ll our ault tI's lAl oYur aFult jt's zll gour cault jIt's zAll gYour cFault Ijt's Azll Ygour Fcault
9t's qll hour rault 9It's qAll hYour rFault I9t's Aqll Yhour Frault lt's sll 6our gault lIt's sAll 6Your gFault Ilt's Asll Y6our Fgault
ot's wll uour tault oIt's wAll uYour tFault Iot's Awll Yuour Ftault kt's xll 7our vault kIt's xAll 7Your vFault Ikt's Axll Y7our Fvault
8t's Alll jour dault 8It's Al jYour dFault I8t's All Yjour Fdault ut's Akl tour Faault uIt's Akll tYour Fult Iut's Alkl Ytour Fualt
Itt's Aol Yoour Fzult I's Aoll Yur Fzault I'ts Alol Yuor Fazult If's Apl Ykur Fqult Ift's Apll Ykour Fqault Itf's Alpl Yokur Faqult
I5's Y9ur Fsult I5t's Y9our Fsault It5's Yo9ur Fasult Ih's Alk Y0ur Fwult Iht's Y0our Fwault Ith's Allk Yo0ur Fawult
Iy's Alo Ylur Fxult Iyt's Ylour Fxault Ity's Allo Yolur Faxult I6's Alp Yiur Fauult I6t's Yiour Falt It6's Allp Yoiur Falut
Ig's Youur Fahlt Igt's Yor Fahult Itg's Yoru Fauhlt Ir's Yohr Fa7lt Irt's Yohur Fa7ult Itr's Youhr Fau7lt
It''s Yo7r Faklt

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