Pinhead Gunpowder
Keeping Warm In The Night Time

eeping warm in the nighttime
Burning hopes and dreams and even impossible schemes
Seem possible, anything's possible, every thing seems so clear
When your blood is pumping, mind is scheming
Eyes wide open but you're still dreaming
Prancing prowling searching for yourself
The darkness is so comforting
So beautifully intoxicating
Daytime's stress and pettiness doesn't matter now

Well the night's like a church for non-believers
It's a search for hidden treasures
Quench your thirst with simpler
Pleasures growl!0

Keeping warm in the nighttime
Burning hopes and dreams and even impossible schemes
Seem possible, anything's possible, every thing seems so clear
But now through the darkness
Light starts seeping dawn is coming looming
Seething and you can't stop the sun from rising
Hide in the shadows but the sun's still shining down
And you can see all the ugliness breeding despair
And your dreams are all bleeding
Breathing hot dry air and the silence is screaming
And it's all just bringing you down

Well you're thinking you'd better run home
To sleep as the streets fill with creeps
And the keys that they keep locking you out locking you into their world,
A world that you don't want to see!

Mirror lyrics:

A world that you don't want to see!
And the keys that they keep locking you out locking you into their world,
To sleep as the streets fill with creeps
Well you're thinking you'd better run home

And it's all just bringing you down
Breathing hot dry air and the silence is screaming
And your dreams are all bleeding
And you can see all the ugliness breeding despair
Hide in the shadows but the sun's still shining down
Seething and you can't stop the sun from rising
Light starts seeping dawn is coming looming
But now through the darkness
Seem possible, anything's possible, every thing seems so clear
Burning hopes and dreams and even impossible schemes
Keeping warm in the nighttime

Pleasures growl!0
Quench your thirst with simpler
It's a search for hidden treasures
Well the night's like a church for non-believers

Daytime's stress and pettiness doesn't matter now
So beautifully intoxicating
The darkness is so comforting
Prancing prowling searching for yourself
Eyes wide open but you're still dreaming
When your blood is pumping, mind is scheming
Seem possible, anything's possible, every thing seems so clear
Burning hopes and dreams and even impossible schemes
eeping warm in the nighttime

Relevant Tags:
KKeeping WWarm IIn TThe NNight TTime eeping arm n he ight ime eKeping aWrm nI hTe iNght iTme leeping aarm jn fhe might fime lKeeping aWarm jIn fThe mNight fTime
Kleeping Waarm Ijn Tfhe Nmight Tfime oeeping 3arm 9n 5he hight 5ime oKeeping 3Warm 9In 5The hNight 5Time Koeeping W3arm I9n T5he Nhight T5ime meeping darm ln hhe jight hime
mKeeping dWarm lIn hThe jNight hTime Kmeeping Wdarm Iln Thhe Njight Thime jeeping earm on yhe bight yime jKeeping eWarm oIn yThe bNight yTime Kjeeping Wearm Ion Tyhe Nbight Tyime
ieeping sarm kn 6he Niight 6ime iKeeping sWarm kIn 6The Nght 6Time Kieeping Wsarm Ikn T6he Ngiht T6ime Keeeping 2arm 8n ghe Njght gime Keping 2Warm 8In gThe gTime
Keeping W2arm I8n Tghe Nijght Tgime Kseping qarm un rhe N9ght rime Kseeping qWarm uIn rThe N9ight rTime Keseping Wqarm Iun Trhe Ni9ght Trime K3eping Inn Nlght Tiime
K3eeping Wrm I Te Nlight Tme Ke3eping Wram In Teh Nilght Tmie Kfeping Wzrm Im Tje Noght Tjme Kfeeping Wzarm Imn Tjhe Noight Tjime Kefeping Wazrm Inm Thje Nioght Tijme
Kreping Wqrm Ih Tue Nkght T9me Kreeping Ihn Tuhe Nkight T9ime Kereping Waqrm Inh Thue Nikght Ti9me K4eping Wsrm Ij Tne N8ght Tlme K4eeping Tnhe N8ight Tlime
Ke4eping Wasrm Inj Thne Ni8ght Tilme Kdeping Wwrm Ib Tbe Nught Tome Kdeeping Wwarm Ibn Tbhe Nuight Toime Kedeping Wawrm Inb Thbe Niught Tiome Kweping Wxrm Tge Nigght Tkme
Kweeping Wxarm Niht Tkime Keweping Waxrm Thge Nihgt Tikme Warrm Tye Nihht T8me Wam Nihght T8ime Kepeing Wamr Thye Nighht Ti8me
Kesping Wadm Thee Niyht Tume Wadrm Th Niyght Tuime Keesping Wardm The Nigyht Tiume Ke3ping Wa4m Ths Nibht Timme Wa4rm Thse Nibght Tie
Kee3ping War4m Thes Nigbht Tiem Kefping Wagm Th3 Nivht Tije Wagrm Th3e Nivght Keefping Wargm The3 Nigvht Timje Kerping Watm Thf Nifht Tike
Watrm Thfe Nifght Keerping Wartm Thef Nigfht Timke Ke4ping Wa5m Thr Nitht Tine Wa5rm Thre Nitght Tinme Kee4ping War5m Ther Nigtht Timne
Kedping Wafm Th4 Timee Wafrm Th4e Nigt Tim

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