Pig Destroyer
Purity Undone

I dream of leaving this body
Through a leak in my skin
Escaping this temple
Holding a young god in visions of purity
Undone visions of purity undone
And yet i gave in to divinity
Or perhaps just sleight of hand
But on the day the guilt fades away
I will finally understand

Mirror lyrics:

I will finally understand
But on the day the guilt fades away
Or perhaps just sleight of hand
And yet i gave in to divinity
Undone visions of purity undone
Holding a young god in visions of purity
Escaping this temple
Through a leak in my skin
I dream of leaving this body

Relevant Tags:
PPurity UUndone urity ndone uPrity nUdone 0urity hndone 0Purity hUndone P0urity Uhndone lurity 7ndone lPurity 7Undone Plurity U7ndone
ourity kndone oPurity kUndone Pourity Ukndone Puurity indone Prity iUndone Pruity Uindone Phrity 8ndone Phurity 8Undone Puhrity U8ndone
P7rity jndone P7urity jUndone Pu7rity Ujndone Pkrity yndone Pkurity yUndone Pukrity Uyndone Pirity Unndone Piurity Udone Puirity Udnone
P8rity Umdone P8urity Umndone Pu8rity Unmdone Pjrity Uhdone Pjurity Pujrity Unhdone Pyrity Ujdone Pyurity Puyrity Unjdone
Purrity Ubdone Puity Ubndone Puirty Unbdone Pudity Unddone Pudrity Unone Purdity Unodne Pu4ity Unxone Pu4rity Unxdone Pur4ity Undxone
Pugity Uneone Pugrity Unedone Purgity Undeone Putity Unfone Putrity Unfdone Purtity Undfone Pu5ity Unrone Pu5rity Unrdone Pur5ity Undrone
Pufity Uncone Pufrity Uncdone Purfity Undcone Pueity Unsone Puerity Unsdone Pureity Undsone Puriity Undoone Purty Undne Purtiy Undnoe
Purjty Undkne

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