Planet Shakers
Shake The Planet

The Holy Spirit's got me pumpin
Flowing with the beat this whole place is jumpin
To the sound the demons can't stand it
Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet

We're gonna shake this planet
And turn it upside down
We've come to praise Him
Where His presence can be found

We're gonna shout His praises
For He's the One who reigns
We're gonna sing it
Till the whole world has been saved

Shake this
Planet turn it upside down
With Your
Spirit come and make a sound
Save this
Generation going down
Fill us
Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet

Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet
Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet
Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet

Mirror lyrics:

Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet
Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet
Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet

Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet
Fill us
Generation going down
Save this
Spirit come and make a sound
With Your
Planet turn it upside down
Shake this

Till the whole world has been saved
We're gonna sing it
For He's the One who reigns
We're gonna shout His praises

Where His presence can be found
We've come to praise Him
And turn it upside down
We're gonna shake this planet

Cause tonight we're gonna shake this planet
To the sound the demons can't stand it
Flowing with the beat this whole place is jumpin
The Holy Spirit's got me pumpin

Relevant Tags:
SShake TThe PPlanet hake he lanet hSake hTe lPanet zhake fhe 0lanet zShake fThe 0Planet Szhake Tfhe P0lanet whake 5he llanet
wShake 5The lPlanet Swhake T5he Pllanet dhake hhe olanet dShake hThe oPlanet Sdhake Thhe Polanet ehake yhe eShake yThe Panet
Sehake Tyhe Palnet xhake 6he Pkanet xShake 6The Pklanet Sxhake T6he Plkanet ahake ghe Poanet aShake gThe Sahake Tghe Ploanet
Shhake rhe Ppanet Sake rThe Pplanet Sahke Trhe Plpanet Sjake Plaanet Sjhake Te Plnet Shjake Teh Plnaet Suake Tje Plznet
Suhake Tjhe Plzanet Shuake Thje Plaznet Snake Tue Plqnet Snhake Tuhe Plqanet Shnake Thue Plaqnet Sbake Tne Plsnet Sbhake Tnhe Plsanet
Shbake Thne Plasnet Sgake Tbe Plwnet Sghake Tbhe Plwanet Shgake Thbe Plawnet Syake Tge Plxnet Syhake Plxanet Shyake Thge Plaxnet
Shaake Tye Plannet Shke Plaet Shkae Thye Plaent Shzke Thee Plamet Shzake Th Plamnet Shazke The Planmet Shqke Ths Plahet
Shqake Thse Plahnet Shaqke Thes Planhet

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