Planet Shakers
Jump Around

Somebody get your praise on

There is one thing that I know for sure
How much I love You yet You love me more
You paid my debt a price I could not pay
So I will praise You each and every day

I'm not gonna hold back now
I think it's time to just get up
And jump around now

Everybody jump around
In the house of God
Hey, hey jump around
Everybdy jump around
In the house of God

When I say Jesus
You say praise HIm
Jesus praise Him
Jesus praise Him

There is one thing that I can't ignore
The power of praising You in one accord
Our praise goes up, the walls come down
Listen up people I can hear that sound

Praise Him, jump jump
Come on praise Him, jump jump
Praise Him, jump jump
Somebody get your praise on

Somebody get your
Some-somebody get your praise on

Mirror lyrics:

Some-somebody get your praise on
Somebody get your

Somebody get your praise on
Praise Him, jump jump
Come on praise Him, jump jump
Praise Him, jump jump

Listen up people I can hear that sound
Our praise goes up, the walls come down
The power of praising You in one accord
There is one thing that I can't ignore

Jesus praise Him
Jesus praise Him
You say praise HIm
When I say Jesus

In the house of God
Everybdy jump around
Hey, hey jump around
In the house of God
Everybody jump around

And jump around now
I think it's time to just get up
I'm not gonna hold back now

So I will praise You each and every day
You paid my debt a price I could not pay
How much I love You yet You love me more
There is one thing that I know for sure

Somebody get your praise on

Relevant Tags:
JJump AAround ump round uJmp rAound kump zround kJump zAround Jkump Azround iump qround iJump qAround Jiump Aqround mump sround
mJump sAround Jmump Asround nump wround nJump wAround Jnump Awround hump xround hJump xAround Jhump Axround uump Arround uJump Aound
Juump Aorund Adound Jmp Adround Jmup Ardound Jhmp A4ound A4round Juhmp Ar4ound J7mp Agound J7ump Aground Ju7mp Argound
Jkmp Atound Atround Jukmp Artound Jimp A5ound A5round Juimp Ar5ound J8mp Afound J8ump Afround Ju8mp Arfound Jjmp Aeound
Jjump Aeround Jujmp Areound Jymp Aroound Jyump Arund Juymp Aruond Jummp Arkund Jup Arkound Jupm Arokund Jujp Ar9und Ar9ound
Jumjp Aro9und Jukp Ar0und Ar0ound Jumkp Aro0und Junp Arlund Junmp Arlound Jumnp Arolund Jumpp Ariund

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