Planet Funk
Under The Rain

The sky was hot
It's rays beat down on my head
I looked up vast and cloudless it cast unblinking eyes down on me
It's rays beat down on my head
I tried to look away
But it's horizons drew me in
I was waiting for its change

For the sigh of shadows
I began to move in time
While it beat down hot and silent
Waiting for change
For the silence of shadows
While it beat down hot and silent.. silent.. silent. silent..

I was dancing on that summer day
Thirsty landscape yearning for your call
The dark skies would they shadow me now
I was waiting there for you to fall

Come cover me
Like silver tears again
Come cover me
Like silent tears again
Come cover me
Like silver tears again
Come cover me
Like silent tears again

The air was hot
Like fists pounding in my head
I looked around
Still was the sky and cloudless
There was something keeping me there
Thunder shaking on that heavy day

The dark skies they shadowed me there
And I stayed there in the summer rain

come cover me
Like silver tears again
Come cover me
Like silent tears again
Come cover me
Like silver tears again
Come cover me
Like silent tears again

(and again and again and again....)

(heavy rain begins to fall)

You fell like a thousand petals and drenched me with your tears
I was dancing on last summer day
While you continued to fall
And drench me with your tears
I was dancing on last summer day
The last summer day

(and again and again and again....)

You fell like a thousand petals and drenched me with your tears
I was dancing on last summer day
While you continued to fall
And drench me with your tears
I was dancing on last summer day
The last summer day


Mirror lyrics:


The last summer day
I was dancing on last summer day
And drench me with your tears
While you continued to fall
I was dancing on last summer day
You fell like a thousand petals and drenched me with your tears

(and again and again and again....)

The last summer day
I was dancing on last summer day
And drench me with your tears
While you continued to fall
I was dancing on last summer day
You fell like a thousand petals and drenched me with your tears

(heavy rain begins to fall)

(and again and again and again....)

Like silent tears again
Come cover me
Like silver tears again
Come cover me
Like silent tears again
Come cover me
Like silver tears again
come cover me

And I stayed there in the summer rain
The dark skies they shadowed me there

Thunder shaking on that heavy day
There was something keeping me there
Still was the sky and cloudless
I looked around
Like fists pounding in my head
The air was hot

Like silent tears again
Come cover me
Like silver tears again
Come cover me
Like silent tears again
Come cover me
Like silver tears again
Come cover me

I was waiting there for you to fall
The dark skies would they shadow me now
Thirsty landscape yearning for your call
I was dancing on that summer day

While it beat down hot and silent.. silent.. silent. silent..
For the silence of shadows
Waiting for change
While it beat down hot and silent
I began to move in time
For the sigh of shadows

I was waiting for its change
But it's horizons drew me in
I tried to look away
It's rays beat down on my head
I looked up vast and cloudless it cast unblinking eyes down on me
It's rays beat down on my head
The sky was hot

Relevant Tags:
UUnder TThe RRain nder he ain nUder hTe aRin hnder fhe dain hUnder fThe dRain Uhnder Tfhe Rdain 7nder 5he 4ain 7Under 5The 4Rain
U7nder T5he R4ain knder hhe gain kUnder hThe gRain Uknder Thhe Rgain inder yhe tain iUnder yThe tRain Uinder Tyhe Rtain 8nder 6he 5ain
8Under 6The 5Rain U8nder T6he R5ain jnder ghe fain jUnder gThe fRain Ujnder Tghe Rfain ynder rhe eain yUnder rThe eRain Uynder Trhe Reain
Unnder Raain Uder Te Rin Udner Teh Rian Umder Tje Rzin Umnder Tjhe Rzain Unmder Thje Razin Uhder Tue Rqin Tuhe Rqain
Unhder Thue Raqin Ujder Tne Rsin Tnhe Rsain Unjder Thne Rasin Ubder Tbe Rwin Ubnder Tbhe Rwain Unbder Thbe Rawin Undder Tge Rxin
Uner Rxain Unedr Thge Raxin Unxer Tye Raiin Unxder Ran Undxer Thye Rani Uneer Thee Rajn Uneder Th Rajin Undeer The Raijn

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