Plain White T's
Down The Road

Lost myself again
Didn't care I was missing
Said goodbye to friends and drove away
I just don't belong in a town
Where no one listens
Even if I'm wrong I'll find a way

Gotta get away from here
Find a way to disappear
Say goodbye to everything and everyone I know
Gotta go and leave this town
All it does is bring me down
I just wanna tell my friends no matter where I go
I'll see ‘em down the road

Lost myself again
No one knew I was missing
Said goodbye to Dad and his new wife
Stuck around this long
And I was sick and tired of wishing
Even if I'm wrong I'll still be right

Gotta get away from here
Find a way to disappear
Say goodbye to everything and everyone I know
Gotta go and leave this town
All it does is bring me down
I just wanna tell my friends no matter where I go
I'll see ‘em down the road

I'm sick of dreaming
I would rather stay up all night
Live my own life, don't worry about me

Gotta get away from here
Find a way to disappear
Say goodbye to everything and everyone I know
Gotta go and leave this town
All it does is bring me down
I just wanna tell my friends no matter where I go
I'll see ‘em down the road
I'll see ‘em down the road
I'll see ‘em down the road
I'll see ‘em down the road

Mirror lyrics:

I'll see ‘em down the road
I'll see ‘em down the road
I'll see ‘em down the road
I'll see ‘em down the road
I just wanna tell my friends no matter where I go
All it does is bring me down
Gotta go and leave this town
Say goodbye to everything and everyone I know
Find a way to disappear
Gotta get away from here

Live my own life, don't worry about me
I would rather stay up all night
I'm sick of dreaming

I'll see ‘em down the road
I just wanna tell my friends no matter where I go
All it does is bring me down
Gotta go and leave this town
Say goodbye to everything and everyone I know
Find a way to disappear
Gotta get away from here

Even if I'm wrong I'll still be right
And I was sick and tired of wishing
Stuck around this long
Said goodbye to Dad and his new wife
No one knew I was missing
Lost myself again

I'll see ‘em down the road
I just wanna tell my friends no matter where I go
All it does is bring me down
Gotta go and leave this town
Say goodbye to everything and everyone I know
Find a way to disappear
Gotta get away from here

Even if I'm wrong I'll find a way
Where no one listens
I just don't belong in a town
Said goodbye to friends and drove away
Didn't care I was missing
Lost myself again

Relevant Tags:
DDown TThe RRoad own he oad oDwn hTe oRad xown fhe doad xDown fThe dRoad Dxown Tfhe Rdoad eown 5he 4oad eDown 5The 4Road Deown T5he R4oad
fown hhe goad fDown hThe gRoad Dfown Thhe Rgoad rown yhe toad rDown yThe tRoad Drown Tyhe Rtoad cown 6he 5oad cDown 6The 5Road Dcown T6he R5oad
sown ghe foad sDown gThe fRoad Dsown Tghe Rfoad Doown rhe eoad Dwn rThe eRoad Dwon Trhe Reoad Dkwn Rooad Dkown Te Rad Dokwn Teh Raod
D9wn Tje Rkad D9own Tjhe Rkoad Do9wn Thje Rokad D0wn Tue R9ad D0own Tuhe R9oad Do0wn Thue Ro9ad Dlwn Tne R0ad Dlown Tnhe R0oad Dolwn Thne Ro0ad
Diwn Tbe Rlad Diown Tbhe Rload Doiwn Thbe Rolad Dowwn Tge Riad

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