Planet Smashers
Too Much Attitude

New shades on, look absolutely fine Stroll down the main
all the passers by No time all day, no i don't get none,
I turn away frustrated disarrayed Who have I to blame,
leave me crying shame Never to complain for you I will entertain
but I can't explain, these attempts they drain but I can't give in all efforts
will be spend in vain

she got too much attitude
too much attitude

She's so fine but she's not mine
what will I do, what will I say ?
I want to understand try to be a man,
I'm laughing at my problems as they come my way
Never to complain for you I will entertain
but I can't explain, these attempts they drain but I can't give in all efforts
will be spend in vain


New shades on, look absolutely fine
Stroll down the main, all the passers by
No time all day, no i don't get none, I turn away, this song is done


Mirror lyrics:


No time all day, no i don't get none, I turn away, this song is done
Stroll down the main, all the passers by
New shades on, look absolutely fine


will be spend in vain
but I can't explain, these attempts they drain but I can't give in all efforts
Never to complain for you I will entertain
I'm laughing at my problems as they come my way
I want to understand try to be a man,
what will I do, what will I say ?
She's so fine but she's not mine

too much attitude
she got too much attitude

will be spend in vain
but I can't explain, these attempts they drain but I can't give in all efforts
leave me crying shame Never to complain for you I will entertain
I turn away frustrated disarrayed Who have I to blame,
all the passers by No time all day, no i don't get none,
New shades on, look absolutely fine Stroll down the main

Relevant Tags:
TToo MMuch AAttitude oo uch ttitude oTo uMch tAtitude foo juch zttitude fToo jMuch zAttitude Tfoo Mjuch Azttitude
5oo kuch qttitude 5Too kMuch qAttitude T5oo Mkuch Aqttitude hoo nuch sttitude hToo nMuch sAttitude Thoo Mnuch Asttitude
yoo Muuch wttitude yToo Mch wAttitude Tyoo Mcuh Awttitude 6oo Mhch xttitude 6Too Mhuch xAttitude T6oo Muhch Axttitude
goo M7ch Atttitude gToo M7uch Atitude Tgoo Mu7ch Attitude roo Mkch Aftitude rToo Afttitude Troo Mukch Atftitude
Tooo Mich A5titude To Miuch A5ttitude Too Muich At5titude Tko M8ch Ahtitude Tkoo M8uch Ahttitude Toko Mu8ch Athtitude
T9o Mjch Aytitude T9oo Ayttitude To9o Mujch Atytitude T0o Mych A6titude T0oo Myuch A6ttitude To0o Muych At6titude
Tlo Mucch Agtitude Tloo Muh Agttitude Tolo Muhc Atgtitude Tio Mufh Artitude Tioo Mufch Arttitude Toio Mucfh Atrtitude
Muxh Muxch Mucxh Atittude Tok Muvh Atfitude Muvch Took Mucvh Attfitude
To9 Mudh At5itude Mudch Too9 Mucdh Att5itude To0 Muchh Athitude Muc Too0 Much Atthitude
Tol Mucj Atyitude Mucjh Tool Muchj Attyitude Toi Mucu At6itude Mucuh Tooi Muchu Att6itude
Mucn Atgitude Mucnh Muchn Attgitude Mucb Atritude Mucbh Muchb Attritude
Mucg Attiitude Mucgh Atttude Muchg Atttiude Mucy Attjtude Mucyh Attjitude Muchy Attijtude
Att9tude Att9itude Atti9tude Attltude Attlitude Attiltude
Attotude Attoitude Attiotude Attktude Attkitude

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