Planet Smashers
Repo Man

Everybody pay attention to what I'm gonna say
I'll tell you my story so you'll understand
What it means to be broke, dropped, and fired in one day
To wake up in the morning with the feeling that it doesn't matter anyway
Once upon a time things were going my way
Nothing ever happened that could bring me down
Thinking that the good times were always gonna stay
But it's been a long time since I've seen a sunny day
Living in the burb's, waiting for the repo man
To take away my car due to insufficiant funds
I got nowhere to go, and my wife just ran away,
With my lawyer and my credit cards, but that's ok,
They never worked anyway
Growing up I listened to my parents as they said:
"Got to school get a job, and then you've got it made"
Maybe that formula worked back in their day,
But I can tell you brother that a lot of things have changed
Looking through the window on to the driveway,
Watching for the repo man 24 hours a day,
Stepping outside, I raise my .45
Giving up the future for today
It never worked anyway,
I'm wating for the repo man

Mirror lyrics:

I'm wating for the repo man
It never worked anyway,
Giving up the future for today
Stepping outside, I raise my .45
Watching for the repo man 24 hours a day,
Looking through the window on to the driveway,
But I can tell you brother that a lot of things have changed
Maybe that formula worked back in their day,
"Got to school get a job, and then you've got it made"
Growing up I listened to my parents as they said:
They never worked anyway
With my lawyer and my credit cards, but that's ok,
I got nowhere to go, and my wife just ran away,
To take away my car due to insufficiant funds
Living in the burb's, waiting for the repo man
But it's been a long time since I've seen a sunny day
Thinking that the good times were always gonna stay
Nothing ever happened that could bring me down
Once upon a time things were going my way
To wake up in the morning with the feeling that it doesn't matter anyway
What it means to be broke, dropped, and fired in one day
I'll tell you my story so you'll understand
Everybody pay attention to what I'm gonna say

Relevant Tags:
RRepo MMan epo an eRpo aMn depo jan dRepo jMan Rdepo Mjan 4epo kan 4Repo kMan R4epo Mkan gepo nan gRepo nMan
Rgepo Mnan tepo Maan tRepo Mn Rtepo Mna 5epo Mzn 5Repo Mzan R5epo Mazn fepo Mqn fRepo Mqan Rfepo Maqn eepo Msn
eRepo Msan Reepo Masn Mwn Rpo Mwan Rpeo Mawn Rspo Mxn Rsepo Mxan Respo Maxn R3po Mann R3epo Ma Re3po Man
Rfpo Mam Mamn Refpo Manm

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