Long Distance Call

Where to go I had no idea
26.10 was the price to pay
A messed up kid with no ideals at all
I thought those 26.10 I shouldn't give'em away

I remember this young guy died and I took his part
He got far too many stitches on his pretty face
Long time to see but I always thought us two would be serious
I was looking around town, thinking the same as you

I'm far gone but your long distance call
And your capital letters keep me asking for more

It's never been like that
It's never been like that

I'm far gone but your long distance call
And your capital letters keep me asking for more

Where to go I had no idea about it
Most of the people do, there're only doing just fine
I don't wanna stay in place no more, see
Ain't doing well well well, I am only doing just fine

long time no see, long time no say
Got little to tell, I don't say much but I might
Something always told me us two would be serious
I am looking around town, thinking the same as you

I'm far gone but your long distance call
And your capital letters keep me asking for more

It's never been like that
It's never been like that

I'm far gone but your long distance call
And your capital letters keep me asking for more

Long time no see... Long time no say...

Mirror lyrics:

Long time no see... Long time no say...

And your capital letters keep me asking for more
I'm far gone but your long distance call

It's never been like that
It's never been like that

And your capital letters keep me asking for more
I'm far gone but your long distance call

I am looking around town, thinking the same as you
Something always told me us two would be serious
Got little to tell, I don't say much but I might
long time no see, long time no say

Ain't doing well well well, I am only doing just fine
I don't wanna stay in place no more, see
Most of the people do, there're only doing just fine
Where to go I had no idea about it

And your capital letters keep me asking for more
I'm far gone but your long distance call

It's never been like that
It's never been like that

And your capital letters keep me asking for more
I'm far gone but your long distance call

I was looking around town, thinking the same as you
Long time to see but I always thought us two would be serious
He got far too many stitches on his pretty face
I remember this young guy died and I took his part

I thought those 26.10 I shouldn't give'em away
A messed up kid with no ideals at all
26.10 was the price to pay
Where to go I had no idea

Relevant Tags:
LLong DDistance CCall ong istance all oLng iDstance aCll kong xistance fall kLong xDistance fCall Lkong Dxistance Cfall
oong eistance xall oLong eDistance xCall Loong Deistance Cxall pong fistance vall pLong fDistance vCall Lpong Dfistance Cvall
ristance dall Lng rDistance dCall Lnog Dristance Cdall Lkng cistance Caall cDistance Cll Lokng Dcistance Clal
L9ng sistance Czll L9ong sDistance Czall Lo9ng Dsistance Cazll L0ng Diistance Cqll L0ong Dstance Cqall Lo0ng Dsitance Caqll
Llng Djstance Csll Llong Djistance Csall Lolng Dijstance Casll Ling D9stance Cwll Liong D9istance Cwall Loing Di9stance Cawll
Lonng Dlstance Cxll Log Dlistance Logn Dilstance Caxll Lomg Dostance Calll Lomng Doistance Cal Lonmg Diostance Call
Lohg Dkstance Cakl Lohng Dkistance Cakll Lonhg Dikstance Calkl Lojg D8stance Caol Lojng D8istance Caoll Lonjg Di8stance Calol
Lobg Dustance Capl Lobng Duistance Capll Lonbg Diustance Calpl Longg Disstance Lon Ditance Long Ditsance
Lonh Diztance Calk Dizstance Longh Disztance Callk Lony Diwtance Calo Lonyg Diwstance Longy Diswtance Callo
Lonb Didtance Calp Didstance Longb Disdtance Callp Lonv Dietance Lonvg Diestance Longv Disetance
Lonf Dixtance Lonfg Dixstance Longf Disxtance Lont Diatance Lontg Diastance Longt Disatance
Disttance Disance Disatnce Disfance Disftance Distfance
Dis5ance Dis5tance Dist5ance Dishance Dishtance Disthance
Disyance Disytance

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