Sample In A Jar

its hidden far away
but someday i may tell
the tale of mental tangle when into your world i fell
without you now i'd wander soaking, secretly afraid
but in your grasp the fears dont last
though some of them have stayed

i wheeled around because i
didnt hear what you had said
i saw you dancin with Elihu
up on Leemor's bed
and i was foggy rather groggy
you helped me to my car
the bindin belts enclosin me
a sample in a jar

and the market stands unfolding
with all the willies and their wares
i shuffled by alert but numb
to all the glances and the glares
i think of you unheeding
all the times i raised my cup
its now i know that you knew that id soon end up end up

i wheeled around...

you tricked me like the others
and now i dont belong
the simple smiles and good times seem all wrong

Mirror lyrics:

the simple smiles and good times seem all wrong
and now i dont belong
you tricked me like the others

i wheeled around...

its now i know that you knew that id soon end up end up
all the times i raised my cup
i think of you unheeding
to all the glances and the glares
i shuffled by alert but numb
with all the willies and their wares
and the market stands unfolding

a sample in a jar
the bindin belts enclosin me
you helped me to my car
and i was foggy rather groggy
up on Leemor's bed
i saw you dancin with Elihu
didnt hear what you had said
i wheeled around because i

though some of them have stayed
but in your grasp the fears dont last
without you now i'd wander soaking, secretly afraid
the tale of mental tangle when into your world i fell
but someday i may tell
its hidden far away

Relevant Tags:
SSample IIn AA JJar ample n ar aSmple nI A aJr zample jn z kar zSample jIn zA kJar Szample Ijn Az Jkar wample 9n q iar
wSample 9In qA iJar Swample I9n Aq Jiar dample ln s mar dSample lIn sA mJar Sdample Iln As Jmar eample on w nar eSample oIn wA nJar
Seample Ion Aw Jnar xample kn x har xSample kIn xA hJar Sxample Ikn Ax Jhar aample 8n uar aSample 8In uJar Saample I8n Juar
un Jaar Smple uIn Jr Smaple Iun Jra Szmple Inn Jzr I Jzar Sazmple In Jazr Sqmple Im Jqr
Sqample Imn Jqar Saqmple Inm Jaqr Ssmple Ih Jsr Ssample Ihn Jsar Sasmple Inh Jasr Swmple Ij Jwr Jwar
Sawmple Inj Jawr Sxmple Ib Jxr Ibn Jxar Saxmple Inb Jaxr Sammple Jarr Saple Ja Sapmle Jar
Sajple Jad Sajmple Jadr Samjple Jard Sakple Ja4

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