Nellie Kane

As a young man I went riding
Out on the western plain
In the state of North Dakota

I met my Nellie Kane
I met my Nellie Kane

She was living in a lonely cabin
With a son by another man
Five years she had waited for him

As long as a woman can
As long as a woman can

I don't know what changed my mind
Til then I was the ramblin' kind
The kind of love I can't explain

That I had for Nellie Kane
She took me on to work that day
To help her till the land
In the afternoon we planted seeds

In the evening we held hands
In the evening we held hands

Her blue eyes told me everything
A man could want to know
And it was then I realized
I would never goI would never go


Now many years have gone by
And her son has grown up tall
I became a father to him
And she became my all
She became my all

Mirror lyrics:

She became my all
And she became my all
I became a father to him
And her son has grown up tall
Now many years have gone by


I would never goI would never go
And it was then I realized
A man could want to know
Her blue eyes told me everything

In the evening we held hands
In the evening we held hands

In the afternoon we planted seeds
To help her till the land
She took me on to work that day
That I had for Nellie Kane

The kind of love I can't explain
Til then I was the ramblin' kind
I don't know what changed my mind

As long as a woman can
As long as a woman can

Five years she had waited for him
With a son by another man
She was living in a lonely cabin

I met my Nellie Kane
I met my Nellie Kane

In the state of North Dakota
Out on the western plain
As a young man I went riding

Relevant Tags:
NNellie KKane ellie ane eNllie aKne mellie lane mNellie lKane Nmellie Klane hellie oane hNellie oKane Nhellie Koane jellie mane
jNellie mKane Njellie Kmane bellie jane bNellie jKane Nbellie Kjane Neellie iane Nllie iKane Nlelie Kiane Nsllie Kaane Nsellie Kne
Nesllie Knae N3llie Kzne N3ellie Kzane Ne3llie Kazne Nfllie Kqne Nfellie Kqane Nefllie Kaqne Nrllie Ksne Nrellie Ksane Nerllie Kasne
N4llie Kwne N4ellie Kwane Ne4llie Kawne Ndllie Kxne Ndellie Kxane Nedllie Kaxne Nwllie Kanne Nwellie Kae Newllie Kaen Nelllie Kame
Nelie Kamne Nellie Kanme Neklie Kahe Nekllie Kahne Nelklie Kanhe Neolie Kaje Neollie Kajne Nelolie Kanje Neplie Kabe Nepllie Kabne
Nelplie Kanbe

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