Army Of One

Northern dilemma
Call of the cold
The arms of the arctic begin to unfold

Sit in a circle facing the sun
Get what you can now
Winter is on

Truth on condition
Never dig deep
Solemn reminders as groundwaters seep
Into foundations, centers of joy
To weaken and crumble
Search and destroy

Light up the city
Hiding so strange
You'd better take cover
It's love at close range

Oh solo mission
Cover of dark
Army of one now, don't let down your guard

Sit in a circle facing the sun
Soak it in while you can
Winter is on
I got no answer but you've got no call
Just can't compete with the weight of it all

Silent treatment
Stone in the rain
Bright, shining doorway
Try to remain

Northern dilemma
Call of the cold
The arms of the arctic begin to unfold

Mirror lyrics:

The arms of the arctic begin to unfold
Call of the cold
Northern dilemma

Try to remain
Bright, shining doorway
Stone in the rain
Silent treatment

Just can't compete with the weight of it all
I got no answer but you've got no call
Winter is on
Soak it in while you can
Sit in a circle facing the sun

Army of one now, don't let down your guard
Cover of dark
Oh solo mission

It's love at close range
You'd better take cover
Hiding so strange
Light up the city

Search and destroy
To weaken and crumble
Into foundations, centers of joy
Solemn reminders as groundwaters seep
Never dig deep
Truth on condition

Winter is on
Get what you can now
Sit in a circle facing the sun

The arms of the arctic begin to unfold
Call of the cold
Northern dilemma

Relevant Tags:
AArmy OOf OOne rmy f ne rAmy fO nOe zrmy kf kne zArmy kOf kOne Azrmy Okf Okne qrmy 9f 9ne qArmy 9Of 9One Aqrmy O9f O9ne srmy 0f 0ne
sArmy 0Of 0One Asrmy O0f O0ne wrmy lf lne wArmy lOf lOne Awrmy Olf Olne xrmy if ine xArmy iOf iOne Axrmy Oif Oine Arrmy Off Onne Amy O Oe
Amry Of Oen Admy Oc Ome Adrmy Ocf Omne Ardmy Ofc Onme A4my Or Ohe A4rmy Orf Ohne Ar4my Ofr Onhe Agmy Og Oje Agrmy Ogf Ojne Argmy Ofg Onje
Atmy Ot Obe Atrmy Otf Obne Artmy Oft Onbe A5my Ov Onee A5rmy Ovf On Ar5my Ofv One Afmy Od Ons Afrmy Odf Onse Arfmy Ofd Ones

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