Phillips Craig & Dean
The Concert Of The Age

The star become as lasers
And all the worlds align
Horizon to horizon
A rainbow begins to rise

Sudden sound like thunder
Come from everywhere
As the angel Michael
Kicks the countdown on the snare

Across the sea of faces
Shouts of praise begin to roll
As we see the silhouette
Of the King of heart and soul

At the concert of the age
The great I Am takes center stage
The generations stand amazed
At the concert of the age

Then a voice like a trumpet
Blows through me like the wind
Gabriel cries, "Welcome home
We're ready to begin"

We know you heard Beethoven
And the king of rock-n-roll
But on behalf of the Father
We give you the King of heart and soul


We cry "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty"
With every note He plays


Mirror lyrics:


With every note He plays
We cry "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty"


We give you the King of heart and soul
But on behalf of the Father
And the king of rock-n-roll
We know you heard Beethoven

We're ready to begin"
Gabriel cries, "Welcome home
Blows through me like the wind
Then a voice like a trumpet

At the concert of the age
The generations stand amazed
The great I Am takes center stage
At the concert of the age

Of the King of heart and soul
As we see the silhouette
Shouts of praise begin to roll
Across the sea of faces

Kicks the countdown on the snare
As the angel Michael
Come from everywhere
Sudden sound like thunder

A rainbow begins to rise
Horizon to horizon
And all the worlds align
The star become as lasers

Relevant Tags:
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Tbe Comcert Od Tbe Ate Tbhe Comncert Odf Tbhe Atge Thbe Conmcert Ofd Thbe Agte Tge Cohcert Tge Agee Cohncert Ag Thge Conhcert Thge Age
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