Phillips Craig & Dean
Wonderful, Merciful Savior

Wonderful, merciful Savior
Precious Redeemer and friend
Who would have thought that a lamb could
Rescue the souls of men
Oh, You rescue the souls of men

Counselor, Comforter, Keeper
Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost the way
Oh, we hopelessly lost the way

You are the one that we praise
You are the one we adore
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for
Oh, our hearts always hunger for

Almighty, infinite Father
Faithfully loving Your own
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne
Oh, we're falling before Your throne


Mirror lyrics:


Oh, we're falling before Your throne
Falling before Your throne
Here in our weakness You find us
Faithfully loving Your own
Almighty, infinite Father

Oh, our hearts always hunger for
Our hearts always hunger for
You give the healing and grace
You are the one we adore
You are the one that we praise

Oh, we hopelessly lost the way
Hopelessly lost the way
You offer hope when our hearts have
Spirit we long to embrace
Counselor, Comforter, Keeper

Oh, You rescue the souls of men
Rescue the souls of men
Who would have thought that a lamb could
Precious Redeemer and friend
Wonderful, merciful Savior

Relevant Tags:
WWonderful, MMerciful SSavior onderful, erciful avior oWnderful, eMrciful aSvior aonderful, jerciful zavior aWonderful, jMerciful zSavior
Waonderful, Mjerciful Szavior 3onderful, kerciful wavior 3Wonderful, kMerciful wSavior W3onderful, Mkerciful Swavior donderful, nerciful davior
dWonderful, nMerciful dSavior Wdonderful, Mnerciful Sdavior eonderful, Meerciful eavior eWonderful, Mrciful eSavior Weonderful, Mreciful Seavior
sonderful, Msrciful xavior sWonderful, Mserciful xSavior Wsonderful, Mesrciful Sxavior 2onderful, M3rciful aavior 2Wonderful, M3erciful aSavior
W2onderful, Me3rciful Saavior qonderful, Mfrciful qWonderful, Mferciful Svior Wqonderful, Mefrciful Svaior Woonderful, Mrrciful Szvior
Wnderful, Mrerciful Wnoderful, Merrciful Sazvior Wknderful, M4rciful Sqvior Wkonderful, M4erciful Sqavior Woknderful, Me4rciful Saqvior
W9nderful, Mdrciful Ssvior W9onderful, Mderciful Ssavior Wo9nderful, Medrciful Sasvior W0nderful, Mwrciful Swvior W0onderful, Mwerciful
Wo0nderful, Mewrciful Sawvior Wlnderful, Sxvior Wlonderful, Meciful Wolnderful, Mecriful Saxvior Winderful, Medciful Savvior
Wionderful, Saior Woinderful, Merdciful Saivor Wonnderful, Me4ciful Sabior Woderful, Sabvior Wodnerful, Mer4ciful Savbior
Womderful, Megciful Sacior Womnderful, Megrciful Sacvior Wonmderful, Mergciful Savcior Wohderful, Metciful Sagior Wohnderful, Metrciful Sagvior
Wonhderful, Mertciful Savgior Wojderful, Me5ciful Safior Wojnderful, Me5rciful Safvior Wonjderful, Mer5ciful Savfior Wobderful, Mefciful Saviior
Wobnderful, Savor Wonbderful, Merfciful Savoir Wondderful, Meeciful Savjor Wonerful, Savjior Wonedrful, Mereciful Savijor
Wonxerful, Mercciful Sav9or Wonxderful, Meriful Sav9ior Wondxerful, Mericful Savi9or Woneerful, Merfiful Savlor Wonederful, Savlior
Wondeerful, Mercfiful Savilor Wonferful, Merxiful Savoor Wonfderful, Merxciful Savoior Wondferful, Mercxiful Savioor Wonrerful, Merviful Savkor
Wonrderful, Mervciful Savkior Wondrerful, Mercviful Savikor Woncerful, Merdiful Sav8or Woncderful, Sav8ior Wondcerful, Mercdiful Savi8or
Wonserful, Merciiful Savuor Wonsderful, Mercful Savuior Wondserful, Mercfiul Saviuor Mercjful Wondrful, Mercjiful Savir
Wondreful, Mercijful Saviro Wondsrful, Merc9ful Savikr Merc9iful Wondesrful, Merci9ful Saviokr Wond3rful, Merclful Savi9r

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