Phil Vassar
Just Another Day In Paradise

The kids screamin, phone ringin
The dog barkin at the mailman bringin that stack of bills, overdue
Good mornin baby, how are you?
Gotta half hour, quick shower
Take a drink of milk but the milk's gone sour
My funny face makes you laugh
Twist the top on and put it back
There goes the washing machine
Baby don't kick it, promise I'll fix it
Along with about a million other things

Well it's okay, it's so nice
Just another day in paradise
Well there's no place that I'd rather be
Well it's two hearts, one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise

Friday, you're late
Guess we'll never make our dinner date
At the restaurant
You start to cry
Baby we'll just improvise
Well, Plan B looks like:
Domino's pizza in the candlelight, then we'll
Tippytoe to our room and make a little love that's overdue
But somebody had a bad dream
Momma and Daddy, me and my teddy
Come in and sleep in between

[chorus] 2x

For just another day in paradise, oh yeah
Well it's kids screamin, phone ringin, just another day
Friday, you're late
Yeah, it's just another day in paradise

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, it's just another day in paradise
Friday, you're late
Well it's kids screamin, phone ringin, just another day
For just another day in paradise, oh yeah

[chorus] 2x

Come in and sleep in between
Momma and Daddy, me and my teddy
But somebody had a bad dream
Tippytoe to our room and make a little love that's overdue
Domino's pizza in the candlelight, then we'll
Well, Plan B looks like:
Baby we'll just improvise
You start to cry
At the restaurant
Guess we'll never make our dinner date
Friday, you're late

For just another day in paradise
And I ask the Lord every night
I wouldn't trade it for anything
Well it's two hearts, one dream
Well there's no place that I'd rather be
Just another day in paradise
Well it's okay, it's so nice

Along with about a million other things
Baby don't kick it, promise I'll fix it
There goes the washing machine
Twist the top on and put it back
My funny face makes you laugh
Take a drink of milk but the milk's gone sour
Gotta half hour, quick shower
Good mornin baby, how are you?
The dog barkin at the mailman bringin that stack of bills, overdue
The kids screamin, phone ringin

Relevant Tags:
JJust AAnother DDay IIn PParadise ust nother ay n aradise uJst nAother aDy nI aPradise kust znother xay jn 0aradise kJust zAnother xDay jIn 0Paradise
Jkust Aznother Dxay Ijn P0aradise iust qnother eay 9n laradise iJust qAnother eDay 9In lParadise Jiust Aqnother Deay I9n Plaradise must snother fay ln oaradise
mJust sAnother fDay lIn oParadise Jmust Asnother Dfay Iln Poaradise nust wnother ray on Paaradise nJust wAnother rDay oIn Pradise Jnust Awnother Dray Ion Praadise
hust xnother cay kn Pzradise hJust xAnother cDay kIn Pzaradise Jhust Axnother Dcay Ikn Pazradise uust Annother say 8n Pqradise uJust Aother sDay 8In Pqaradise
Juust Aonther Dsay I8n Paqradise Amother Daay un Psradise Jst Amnother Dy uIn Psaradise Jsut Anmother Dya Iun Pasradise Jhst Ahother Dzy Inn Pwradise
Ahnother Dzay I Pwaradise Juhst Anhother Dazy In Pawradise J7st Ajother Dqy Im Pxradise J7ust Ajnother Dqay Imn Pxaradise Ju7st Anjother Daqy Inm Paxradise
Jkst Abother Dsy Ih Parradise Abnother Ihn Paadise Jukst Anbother Dasy Inh Paardise Jist Anoother Dwy Ij Padadise Anther Dway Padradise
Juist Antoher Dawy Inj Pardadise J8st Ankther Dxy Ib Pa4adise J8ust Ankother Ibn Pa4radise Ju8st Anokther Daxy Inb Par4adise Jjst An9ther Dayy Pagadise
Jjust An9other Da Pagradise Jujst Ano9ther Day Pargadise Jyst An0ther Dag Patadise Jyust An0other Dagy Patradise Juyst Ano0ther Dayg Partadise
Jusst Anlther Dah Pa5adise Jut Anlother Dahy Pa5radise Juts Anolther Dayh Par5adise Juzt Anither Da6 Pafadise Juzst Aniother Da6y Pafradise
Juszt Anoither Day6 Parfadise Juwt Anotther Dau Paeadise Juwst Anoher Dauy Paeradise Juswt Anohter Dayu Pareadise Judt Anofher Da7 Paraadise
Judst Anofther Da7y Pardise Jusdt Anotfher Day7 Pardaise Juet Ano5her Daj Parzdise Juest Ano5ther Dajy Parzadise Juset Anot5her Dayj Parazdise
Juxt Anohher Dat Parqdise Juxst Anohther Daty Parqadise Jusxt Anothher Dayt Paraqdise Juat Anoyher Parsdise Juast Anoyther Parsadise
Jusat Anotyher Parasdise Justt Ano6her Parwdise Jus Ano6ther Parwadise Just Anot6her Parawdise Jusf Anogher Parxdise
Jusft Anogther Parxadise Justf Anotgher Paraxdise Jus5 Anorher Paraddise Jus5t Anorther Paraise Just5 Anotrher Paraidse
Jush Paraxise Jusht Anoter Justh Anotehr Paradxise

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