Phil Stacey
You Are Mine

What's the reason why
da Vinci had to paint
Lennon had to write
About peace

Martin had a dream
Patsy had to sing
Where did Mozart find
Those melodies

We all need inspiration
A spark that ignites
Something deep inside the soul
A masterpiece that defines a life
And you are mine
And you are mine

Just to see your face
Calms the storm in me
Makes me see the world
A little differently

Yeah, we all need inspiration
A spark that ignites
Something deep inside the soul
A masterpiece that defines a life
And you are mine

Yeah, you are mine
We all need inspiration
A spark that ignites
Something deep inside the soul
A masterpiece that defines a life
And you are mine
Yeah, you are mine

You are mine
You are mine
You are mine
Yes, you are a masterpiece

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, you are a masterpiece
You are mine
You are mine
You are mine

Yeah, you are mine
And you are mine
A masterpiece that defines a life
Something deep inside the soul
A spark that ignites
We all need inspiration
Yeah, you are mine

And you are mine
A masterpiece that defines a life
Something deep inside the soul
A spark that ignites
Yeah, we all need inspiration

A little differently
Makes me see the world
Calms the storm in me
Just to see your face

And you are mine
And you are mine
A masterpiece that defines a life
Something deep inside the soul
A spark that ignites
We all need inspiration

Those melodies
Where did Mozart find
Patsy had to sing
Martin had a dream

About peace
Lennon had to write
da Vinci had to paint
What's the reason why

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAre MMine ou re ine oYu rAe iMne gou zre jine gYou zAre jMine Ygou Azre Mjine hou qre kine hYou qAre kMine Yhou Aqre Mkine
6ou sre nine 6You sAre nMine Y6ou Asre Mnine uou wre Miine uYou wAre Mne Yuou Awre Mnie 7ou xre Mjne 7You xAre Y7ou Axre Mijne
jou Arre M9ne jYou Ae M9ine Yjou Aer Mi9ne tou Ade Mlne tYou Adre Mline Ytou Arde Milne Yoou A4e Mone Yu A4re Moine Yuo Ar4e Mione
Yku Age Mkne Ykou Agre Yoku Arge Mikne Y9u Ate M8ne Y9ou Atre M8ine Yo9u Arte Mi8ne Y0u A5e Mune Y0ou A5re Muine Yo0u Ar5e Miune

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