Phil Joel
Author Of Life

Things aren't exactly what I thought they would be
I won't pretend, disappointment's never free
The sky's on fire, feels like the sky's on fire
I may be young but I'm feeling old
Like somebody borrowed years
And I found out they got sold
But I still love You
Although my sky's on fire

To the Author of life
Be the Author of my life
To the Author, do you hear me sing?
To the Author of life
Be the Author of my life
To the Author do you hear me sing?
Hear me sing

Swallow my pride
Let go inside
Show me Your ways
Refine me
And I'll still love You
Although my sky's on fire


I see You've been hanging in there
Looking back I've been running everywhere
I've done it my way for far too long
Like I promised You years before
I say, "All I have is yours"
All I have is Yours


Swallow my pride
Let go inside
Show me Your ways
Refine me

Swallow my pride
Let go inside
Show me Your ways
Refine me

Mirror lyrics:

Refine me
Show me Your ways
Let go inside
Swallow my pride

Refine me
Show me Your ways
Let go inside
Swallow my pride


All I have is Yours
I say, "All I have is yours"
Like I promised You years before
I've done it my way for far too long
Looking back I've been running everywhere
I see You've been hanging in there


Although my sky's on fire
And I'll still love You
Refine me
Show me Your ways
Let go inside
Swallow my pride

Hear me sing
To the Author do you hear me sing?
Be the Author of my life
To the Author of life
To the Author, do you hear me sing?
Be the Author of my life
To the Author of life

Although my sky's on fire
But I still love You
And I found out they got sold
Like somebody borrowed years
I may be young but I'm feeling old
The sky's on fire, feels like the sky's on fire
I won't pretend, disappointment's never free
Things aren't exactly what I thought they would be

Relevant Tags:
AAuthor OOf LLife uthor f ife uAthor fO iLfe zuthor kf kife zAuthor kOf kLife Azuthor Okf Lkife quthor 9f oife qAuthor 9Of oLife
Aquthor O9f Loife suthor 0f pife sAuthor 0Of pLife Asuthor O0f Lpife wuthor lf Liife wAuthor lOf Lfe Awuthor Olf Lfie xuthor if Ljfe
xAuthor iOf Ljife Axuthor Oif Lijfe Auuthor Off L9fe Athor O L9ife Atuhor Of Li9fe Ahthor Oc Llfe Ahuthor Ocf Llife Auhthor Ofc Lilfe
A7thor Or Lofe A7uthor Orf Au7thor Ofr Liofe Akthor Og Lkfe Akuthor Ogf Aukthor Ofg Likfe Aithor Ot L8fe Aiuthor Otf L8ife
Auithor Oft Li8fe A8thor Ov Lufe A8uthor Ovf Luife Au8thor Ofv Liufe Ajthor Od Liffe Ajuthor Odf Lie Aujthor Ofd Lief Aythor Lice
Ayuthor Licfe Auythor Lifce Autthor Lire Auhor Lirfe Auhtor Lifre Aufhor Lige Aufthor Ligfe Autfhor Lifge
Au5hor Lite Au5thor Litfe Aut5hor Lifte Auhhor Live Livfe Authhor Lifve Auyhor Lide Lidfe
Autyhor Lifde Au6hor Lifee Au6thor Lif Aut6hor Life Aughor Lifs Augthor Lifse

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