Phil Collins
Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer

I never dreamed you'd leave in summer
I thought you would go then come back home
I thought the cold would leave by summer
But my quiet nights will be spent alone

You said there would be warm love in springtime
That was when you started to be cold
I never dreamed you'd leave in summer
But now I find myself all alone

You said then you'd be the life in autumn
Said you'd be the one to see the way
I never dreamed you'd leave in summer
But now I find my love has gone away

Why didn't you stay?

Mirror lyrics:

Why didn't you stay?

But now I find my love has gone away
I never dreamed you'd leave in summer
Said you'd be the one to see the way
You said then you'd be the life in autumn

But now I find myself all alone
I never dreamed you'd leave in summer
That was when you started to be cold
You said there would be warm love in springtime

But my quiet nights will be spent alone
I thought the cold would leave by summer
I thought you would go then come back home
I never dreamed you'd leave in summer

Relevant Tags:
NNever DDreamed YYou'd LLeave IIn SSummer ever reamed ou'd eave n ummer eNver rDeamed oYu'd eLave nI uSmmer mever xreamed gou'd keave jn zummer mNever xDreamed gYou'd kLeave jIn zSummer
Nmever Dxreamed Ygou'd Lkeave Ijn Szummer hever ereamed hou'd oeave 9n wummer hNever eDreamed hYou'd oLeave 9In wSummer Nhever Dereamed Yhou'd Loeave I9n Swummer jever freamed 6ou'd peave ln dummer
jNever fDreamed 6You'd pLeave lIn dSummer Njever Dfreamed Y6ou'd Lpeave Iln Sdummer bever rreamed uou'd Leeave on eummer bNever rDreamed uYou'd Lave oIn eSummer Nbever Drreamed Yuou'd Laeve Ion Seummer
Neever creamed 7ou'd Lsave kn xummer Nver cDreamed 7You'd Lseave kIn xSummer Nveer Dcreamed Y7ou'd Lesave Ikn Sxummer Nsver sreamed jou'd L3ave 8n aummer Nsever sDreamed jYou'd L3eave 8In aSummer
Nesver Dsreamed Yjou'd Le3ave I8n Saummer N3ver tou'd Lfave un Suummer N3ever Deamed tYou'd Lfeave uIn Smmer Ne3ver Deramed Ytou'd Lefave Iun Smumer Nfver Ddeamed Yoou'd Lrave Inn Shmmer
Nfever Ddreamed Yu'd Lreave I Shummer Nefver Drdeamed Yuo'd Lerave In Suhmmer Nrver D4eamed Yku'd L4ave Im S7mmer Nrever D4reamed Ykou'd L4eave Imn S7ummer Nerver Dr4eamed Yoku'd Le4ave Inm Su7mmer
N4ver Dgeamed Y9u'd Ldave Ih Skmmer N4ever Dgreamed Y9ou'd Ldeave Ihn Skummer Ne4ver Drgeamed Yo9u'd Ledave Inh Sukmmer Ndver Dteamed Y0u'd Lwave Ij Simmer Ndever Dtreamed Y0ou'd Lweave Siummer
Nedver Drteamed Yo0u'd Lewave Inj Suimmer Nwver D5eamed Ylu'd Leaave Ib S8mmer Nwever D5reamed Ylou'd Leve Ibn S8ummer Newver Dr5eamed Yolu'd Levae Inb Su8mmer Nevver Dfeamed Yiu'd Lezve Sjmmer
Neer Yiou'd Lezave Sjummer Neevr Drfeamed Yoiu'd Leazve Sujmmer Neber Deeamed Youu'd Leqve Symmer Nebver Yo'd Leqave Syummer Nevber Dreeamed Yo'ud Leaqve Suymmer
Necer Yoh'd Lesve Summmer Necver Dramed Yohu'd Sumer Nevcer Draemed Youh'd Leasve Summer Neger Drsamed Yo7'd Lewve Sujmer Negver Drseamed Yo7u'd
Nevger Dresamed You7'd Leawve Sumjmer Nefer Dr3amed Yok'd Lexve Sukmer Dr3eamed Lexave Nevfer Dre3amed Youk'd Leaxve Sumkmer Neveer Drfamed Yoi'd Leavve Sunmer
Nevr Leae Sunmmer Nevre Drefamed Youi'd Leaev Sumnmer Nevsr Drramed Yo8'd Leabe Nevser Yo8u'd Leabve Nevesr Dreramed You8'd Leavbe Sumemr
Nev3r Dr4amed Yoj'd Leace Sumjer Nev3er Yoju'd Leacve Neve3r Dre4amed Youj'd Leavce Summjer Nevfr Drdamed Yoy'd Leage Sumker Yoyu'd Leagve

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