These Things Take Time

If these subtle moments that we've shared are true
They might be the building blocks for me and you
Don't be discouraged if I don't hold you tight
Cause I'm gonna miss you when I leave tonight

And you'll ask me, “Why don't you love me?”
And I'll try so hard to explain
And I'll just smile my dear and I'll tell you,
“These things take time…oh these things take time”

All these things take time don't you know
Love is always best when it's slow.

I'm setting my watch to get this timing right
Before I love you at the speed of light
Don't come unglued if all this wait seems unfair
Cause you'll be the first to know when we are there

And you'll ask me, “Why don't you love me?”
And I'll try so hard to explain
And I'll just smile my dear and I'll tell you
“These things take time…oh these things take time”

All these things take time. Don't you know
Love is always best when it's slow

Mirror lyrics:

Love is always best when it's slow
All these things take time. Don't you know

“These things take time…oh these things take time”
And I'll just smile my dear and I'll tell you
And I'll try so hard to explain
And you'll ask me, “Why don't you love me?”

Cause you'll be the first to know when we are there
Don't come unglued if all this wait seems unfair
Before I love you at the speed of light
I'm setting my watch to get this timing right

Love is always best when it's slow.
All these things take time don't you know

“These things take time…oh these things take time”
And I'll just smile my dear and I'll tell you,
And I'll try so hard to explain
And you'll ask me, “Why don't you love me?”

Cause I'm gonna miss you when I leave tonight
Don't be discouraged if I don't hold you tight
They might be the building blocks for me and you
If these subtle moments that we've shared are true

Relevant Tags:
TThese TThings TTake TTime hese hings ake ime hTese hTings aTke iTme fhese fhings fake fime fThese fThings fTake fTime Tfhese Tfhings Tfake Tfime
5hese 5hings 5ake 5ime 5These 5Things 5Take 5Time T5hese T5hings T5ake T5ime hhese hhings hake hime hThese hThings hTake hTime Thhese Thhings Thake Thime
yhese yhings yake yime yThese yThings yTake yTime Tyhese Tyhings Tyake Tyime 6hese 6hings 6ake 6ime 6These 6Things 6Take 6Time T6hese T6hings T6ake T6ime
ghese ghings gake gime gThese gThings gTake gTime Tghese Tghings Tgake Tgime rhese rhings rake rime rThese rThings rTake rTime Trhese Trhings Trake Trime
Taake Tiime Tese Tings Tke Tme Tehse Tihngs Tkae Tmie Tjese Tjings Tzke Tjme Tjhese Tjhings Tzake Tjime Thjese Thjings Tazke Tijme
Tuese Tuings Tqke T9me Tuhese Tuhings Tqake T9ime Thuese Thuings Taqke Ti9me Tnese Tnings Tske Tlme Tnhese Tnhings Tsake Tlime Thnese Thnings Taske Tilme
Tbese Tbings Twke Tome Tbhese Tbhings Twake Toime Thbese Thbings Tawke Tiome Tgese Tgings Txke Tkme Txake Tkime Thgese Thgings Taxke Tikme
Tyese Tyings Takke T8me Tae T8ime Thyese Thyings Taek Ti8me Theese Thiings Tale Tume Thse Thngs Talke Tuime Thsee Thnigs Takle Tiume
Thsse Thjngs Taoe Timme Thsese Taoke Tie Thesse Thijngs Takoe Tiem Th3se Th9ngs Tame Tije Th3ese Th9ings Tamke The3se Thi9ngs Takme Timje
Thfse Thlngs Taje Tike Thfese Thlings Tajke Thefse Thilngs Takje Timke Thrse Thongs Taie Tine Threse Thoings Taike Tinme

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