All Night Long

i went to see my baby
i pleaded and i begged
but then she stood and told me
and this is what she said...

you can't rock, you can't roll
too square, too ol'
just better find yourself another gal
so, i went on my way and walked all the way back home
i was so upset i had to use the phone
and when she said to me
it's no good for us, you see
i just rocked my blues away all night long
i just rocked my blues away all night long
you can't rock, you can't roll
too square, too ol'
just better find yourself another gal
(let's rock!)

well, i saw my baby in town the other day
she looked at me and turned the other way
and when i called her name
she said, sorry, you're still the same
just rock your blues away all night long
so, i rocked my blues away all night long
you can't rock, you can't roll
too square, too ol'
just better find yourself another gal
(let's rock again now!)

my baby's got a new guy, yes she has
looked pretty cool when i walked passed him in class
my baby just let me see
that she ain't going out with me
i just rocked my blues away all night long
so, i just rocked my blues away all night long
you can't rock, you can't roll
too square, too ol'
just better find yourself another gal
(let's rock again now!)

you can't rock, you can't roll
too square, too low
just better find yourself another gal
you can't rock, you can't roll
too square, too low
just better find yourself another gal

Mirror lyrics:

just better find yourself another gal
too square, too low
you can't rock, you can't roll
just better find yourself another gal
too square, too low
you can't rock, you can't roll

(let's rock again now!)
just better find yourself another gal
too square, too ol'
you can't rock, you can't roll
so, i just rocked my blues away all night long
i just rocked my blues away all night long
that she ain't going out with me
my baby just let me see
looked pretty cool when i walked passed him in class
my baby's got a new guy, yes she has

(let's rock again now!)
just better find yourself another gal
too square, too ol'
you can't rock, you can't roll
so, i rocked my blues away all night long
just rock your blues away all night long
she said, sorry, you're still the same
and when i called her name
she looked at me and turned the other way
well, i saw my baby in town the other day

(let's rock!)
just better find yourself another gal
too square, too ol'
you can't rock, you can't roll
i just rocked my blues away all night long
i just rocked my blues away all night long
it's no good for us, you see
and when she said to me
i was so upset i had to use the phone
so, i went on my way and walked all the way back home
just better find yourself another gal
too square, too ol'
you can't rock, you can't roll

and this is what she said...
but then she stood and told me
i pleaded and i begged
i went to see my baby

Relevant Tags:
AAll NNight LLong ll ight ong lAl iNght oLng zll might kong zAll mNight kLong Azll Nmight Lkong qll hight oong qAll hNight oLong
Aqll Nhight Loong sll jight pong sAll jNight pLong Asll Njight Lpong wll bight wAll bNight Lng Awll Nbight Lnog xll Niight Lkng
xAll Nght Axll Ngiht Lokng Alll Njght L9ng Al L9ong All Nijght Lo9ng Akl N9ght L0ng Akll N9ight L0ong Alkl Ni9ght Lo0ng
Aol Nlght Llng Aoll Nlight Llong Alol Nilght Lolng Apl Noght Ling Apll Noight Liong Alpl Nioght Loing Nkght Lonng Nkight Log
Nikght Logn Alk N8ght Lomg N8ight Lomng Allk Ni8ght Lonmg Alo Nught Lohg Nuight Lohng Allo Niught Lonhg Alp Nigght Lojg
Niht Lojng Allp Nihgt Lonjg Nihht Lobg Nihght Lobng Nighht Lonbg Niyht Longg Niyght Lon Nigyht Long
Nibht Lonh

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