Pop Evil
Somebody Like You

Yesterday has taken my tomorrows
My empty heart can't take no more
It's hard to live with no-one to follow
Where's the hope I once had before?

I watch the seasons fade
My face still out of place
Each step I can't deny I'm in trouble, tell me

How can I live without somebody like you?
Somebody like you, please tell me
How can I live without somebody like you
Please tell me it's over, it's almost over

So many things in this room remind me
Of being here next to you
These scars consume my mind and body
Where's the hope that I once knew?

I watch the season's fade
My face still out of place
Each step I can't deny I'm in trouble, tell me


I'm sitting and listening, laughing and wondering
I'm watching the stars go by
Everything reminds me of you
And I can't get you off my mind
How can I live, how can I live
How can I live without you in my life?


How can I live without you? (How can I live?)
I'm watching the stars go by
How can I live without you? (How can I live?)
When I can't get you off my mind

Mirror lyrics:

When I can't get you off my mind
How can I live without you? (How can I live?)
I'm watching the stars go by
How can I live without you? (How can I live?)


How can I live without you in my life?
How can I live, how can I live
And I can't get you off my mind
Everything reminds me of you
I'm watching the stars go by
I'm sitting and listening, laughing and wondering


Each step I can't deny I'm in trouble, tell me
My face still out of place
I watch the season's fade

Where's the hope that I once knew?
These scars consume my mind and body
Of being here next to you
So many things in this room remind me

Please tell me it's over, it's almost over
How can I live without somebody like you
Somebody like you, please tell me
How can I live without somebody like you?

Each step I can't deny I'm in trouble, tell me
My face still out of place
I watch the seasons fade

Where's the hope I once had before?
It's hard to live with no-one to follow
My empty heart can't take no more
Yesterday has taken my tomorrows

Relevant Tags:
SSomebody LLike YYou omebody ike ou oSmebody iLke oYu zomebody kike gou zSomebody kLike gYou Szomebody Lkike Ygou
womebody oike hou wSomebody oLike hYou Swomebody Loike Yhou domebody pike 6ou dSomebody pLike 6You Sdomebody Lpike Y6ou
eomebody Liike uou eSomebody Lke uYou Seomebody Lkie Yuou xomebody Ljke 7ou xSomebody Ljike 7You Sxomebody Lijke Y7ou
aomebody L9ke jou aSomebody L9ike jYou Saomebody Li9ke Yjou Soomebody Llke tou Smebody Llike tYou Smoebody Lilke Ytou
Skmebody Loke Yoou Skomebody Yu Sokmebody Lioke Yuo S9mebody Lkke Yku S9omebody Ykou So9mebody Likke Yoku
S0mebody L8ke Y9u S0omebody L8ike Y9ou So0mebody Li8ke Yo9u Slmebody Luke Y0u Slomebody Luike Y0ou Solmebody Liuke Yo0u
Simebody Ylu Siomebody Lie Ylou Soimebody Liek Yolu Sommebody Lile Yiu Soebody Yiou Soembody Likle Yoiu
Sojebody Lioe Youu Sojmebody Yo Somjebody Likoe You Sokebody Lime Yoh Limke Yohu Somkebody Likme Youh
Sonebody Lije Yo7 Sonmebody Yo7u Somnebody Likje You7 Someebody Liie Yok Sombody Sombeody Likie Youk
Somsbody Likee Yoi Somsebody Lik Somesbody Like Youi Som3body Liks Yo8 Som3ebody Likse Yo8u Some3body Likes You8
Somfbody Lik3 Yoj Somfebody Lik3e Yoju Somefbody Like3 Youj Somrbody Likf Yoy Somrebody Likfe Yoyu Somerbody Likef Youy
Som4body Likr Som4ebody Likre Some4body Liker Somdbody Lik4 Somdebody Lik4e Somedbody Like4
Somwbody Likd Somwebody Likde Somewbody Liked Somebbody Likw

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