Phantom Planet
Rest Easy

It's all clear. No need to fear.
Nothing's under the bed tonight.
It's alright. No need for you to fight.
Nothing's after you tonight.

If I pretend that I'm asleep, will that prevent
from making me, their next meal?

It's alright. No need for you to fight.
You've only lost your sense of sight.
Rest your head. And dream yourself to bed.
Or else I won't sleep well tonight.

If I pretend that I'm alseep, will that prevent
from making me, their next meal?

(8 legs are 6 too many to be roaming the hills)

If I hold out 'till the light of day
will the disintegrate away!

Mirror lyrics:

will the disintegrate away!
If I hold out 'till the light of day

(8 legs are 6 too many to be roaming the hills)

from making me, their next meal?
If I pretend that I'm alseep, will that prevent

Or else I won't sleep well tonight.
Rest your head. And dream yourself to bed.
You've only lost your sense of sight.
It's alright. No need for you to fight.

from making me, their next meal?
If I pretend that I'm asleep, will that prevent

Nothing's after you tonight.
It's alright. No need for you to fight.
Nothing's under the bed tonight.
It's all clear. No need to fear.

Relevant Tags:
RRest EEasy est asy eRst aEsy dest sasy dRest sEasy Rdest Esasy 4est 3asy 4Rest 3Easy R4est E3asy gest fasy gRest fEasy
Rgest Efasy test rasy tRest rEasy Rtest Erasy 5est 4asy 5Rest 4Easy R5est E4asy fest dasy fRest dEasy Rfest Edasy eest wasy
eRest wEasy Reest Ewasy Eaasy Rst Esy Rset Esay Rsst Ezsy Rsest Ezasy Resst Eazsy R3st Eqsy R3est Eqasy Re3st Eaqsy
Rfst Essy Refst Eassy Rrst Ewsy Rrest Rerst Eawsy R4st Exsy Exasy Re4st Eaxsy Rdst

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